
Philosophy Department Awards

Please read the instructions carefully to confirm whether an application is required.

Scholarships marked with an asterisk (*) are funded by the 番茄社区 Foundation.

Applications are required for in-course scholarships listed in this section. These scholarships are governed by the general regulations for scholarships, medals, and prizes. 

  • Unless stated otherwise, the application must be made through completion of the in-course scholarship application on UVic Online tools.
  • The deadline, unless stated otherwise, is May 31.
  • Some of the following awards may require application through the Department of Philosophy; please review the eligibility criteria and application instructions below for further information.


Jim and June Young Memorial Scholarship*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more scholarships are awarded to undergraduate or graduate students in the Department of Philosophy. Applications together with a letter outlining the students’ involvement with social democracy and/or industrial democracy must be submitted to the Chair of the Department by March 15.

  • In the case of an undergraduate student, approval of the recipients will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the Department of Philosophy.
  • In the case of a graduate student, approval of the recipients will be made by the Faculty of Graduate Studies Graduate Awards Committee upon the recommendation of the Department of Philosophy.

Murray and Lynda Farmer Award for Critical Thinking*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more awards are given to a continuing undergraduate student in the Faculty of Humanities with a declared Philosophy major who demonstrates originality, critical thinking, good work habits and organizational skills in their coursework, has a GPA of at least 5.0/9.0, and demonstrates community or on campus involvement through volunteerism.

Applicants must submit:

  • a personal statement (maximum 500 words) detailing both their volunteer experience and their originality, critical thinking, good work habits and organizational skills in their coursework.
  • a letter of reference from a UVic Professor attesting to the student’s originality, critical thinking, work habits, and organizational skills
  • a letter of reference (maximum 300 words each) from a volunteer organization.  Referees cannot be related to the applicant.

Approval of the recipient(s) will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the Department of Philosophy.

First disbursement September 2023.

Applications from students are not required for scholarships listed in this section.

Unless otherwise indicated in the Terms of Reference, recipients are approved by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the Department of Philosophy.

These scholarships are governed by the general regulations for scholarships, medals, and prizes.

Anna Bertha and Frank Kluge Scholarship*

Value: Varies | Number: 1

A scholarship is awarded to a student with the highest standing entering fourth year of an honours program in the Department of Philosophy.

Approval of the recipient will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the Department of Philosophy.

David Kaplan Book Prize in Honours Philosophy*

Value: Book | Number: 1

Awarded to the student graduating in Honours Philosophy with the highest standing in those philosophy courses required for the Degree.

Approval of the recipient will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the Department of Philosophy.

Edward Mothersill Scholarship in Philosophy*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more scholarships are awarded to undergraduate students entering 3rd or 4th year in a Major or Honours program in the Department of Philosophy.

Approval of the recipients will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the Department of Philosophy.

John A. Farvolden Book Prize in Ethics*

Value: Book | Number: 1

A book prize is awarded to the student who achieves the highest standing in Philosophy 335: Moral Philosophy.

Approval of the recipient will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the Department of Philosophy.