
Geography Department Awards

Please read the instructions carefully to confirm whether an application is required.

Scholarships marked with an asterisk (*) are funded by the 番茄社区 Foundation.

Students may be considered for the following bursaries by completing the general bursary application. Only one application is necessary to be considered for all bursaries.

Helen Jessop Ford Bursary*

Value: Varies | Number: 1

A bursary is awarded to a student continuing in the Department of History or the Department of Geography.

VNHS Samuel Simco Graduate Bursary

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more bursaries, established by the Victoria Natural History Society from funds bequeathed for this purpose by the late Mr. Samuel Simco, are awarded to graduate students in Biology, Earth and Ocean Sciences, Environmental Studies, or Geography and who are specializing in the area of species and/or habitat conservation.

Students must apply to be considered for the entrance scholarships below, which are based on marks and other criteria such as academic achievement and volunteer and community work. All UVic entrance scholarships require a minimum 85% admission average, unless otherwise specified in the terms of reference of the scholarship. Recipients will be approved by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the Department of Geography.

The scholarships below:

  • require an online application via Online tools submitted between February 15 - April 30, unless otherwise stated in the Terms of Awards.
  • are governed by the general regulations for scholarships, medals, and prizes.

More information is available on the Entrance Scholarship website.

Hakai-Raincoast Award

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more awards are given to Indigenous undergraduate entrance or transfer students in the Department of Geography with demonstrated financial need. If there are no eligible candidates, the award will be given to an Indigenous undergraduate entrance or transfer student in the Faculty of Social Sciences with demonstrated financial need. 

Approval of the recipient will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the Faculty of Social Sciences.


Applications from students are not required for scholarships listed in this section.

Unless otherwise indicated, recipients are approved by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the Department of Geography.

These scholarships are governed by the general regulations for scholarships, medals, and prizes.

Chapman Memorial Scholarship*

Value: Varies | Number: 2

Two scholarships are awarded, one to a student who has completed third year Biology, on the Ecology Program, and one to a student who has completed third year Geography, on the Resources and Physical Program. A book on ecology and conservation, selected by the appropriate department, is part of the award.  These scholarships are given in memory of John Chapman and his daughter Barbara who were well known conservationists. 

Approval of the recipients will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the Department of Geography.

Charles Howatson Scholarship*

Value: Varies | Number: 1

An award is made annually to an outstanding third year student enrolled in a Geography Major or Honours program.

Approval of the recipient will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the Department of Geography.

Dianne Draper Environmental Sustainability and Stewardship Scholarship

Value: Varies | Number: 1

A scholarship is awarded to an academically outstanding undergraduate student in third or fourth year of either a BA or BSc Program in the Department of Geography who is conducting research in the field of ‘Environment, Sustainability and Stewardship.’

 Approval of the recipient will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the Department of Geography.

Helen Jessop Ford Scholarship*

Value: Varies | Number: 1

A scholarship is awarded to a student continuing in the Department of History or the Department of Geography.

Approval of the recipient will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the Department of Geography.

Maureen McLeod Scholarship in Geography

Value: $1,000 | Number: 2

Two scholarships of $1,000 each are awarded to academically outstanding undergraduate students in the Department of Geography

Max Walker Scholarship in Geography*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more scholarships are awarded to academically outstanding undergraduate students in the Department of Geography.

Ross Geography Scholarship*

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

A number of scholarships will be awarded annually to students in the Major or Honours programs in Geography. The scholarships, which are equal to the full domestic tuition fees of the recipients, will be awarded on the basis of sessional grade point average to students with third or fourth year standing.

Approval of the recipients will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the Department of Geography.

Applications are required for in-course scholarships listed in this section. These scholarships are governed by the general regulations for scholarships, medals, and prizes. 

  • Unless stated otherwise, the application must be made through completion of the in-course scholarship application on UVic Online tools.
  • The deadline, unless stated otherwise, is May 31.
  • Some of the following awards may require application through the Department of Geography; please review the eligibility criteria and application instructions below for further information.

Catherine O. Cameron Memorial Scholarship*

Value: Varies | Number: 1

A scholarship is awarded by the Canadian Federation of University Women Victoria to an academically outstanding undergraduate woman student entering second, third or fourth year in the Department of Geography. Preference will be given to students with financial need.

Approval of the recipient will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the Department of Geography.

J. Prospero Scholarship for Sustainable Mining

Value: $1,000 | Number: 1

A scholarship of $1,000 is awarded to an academically outstanding woman undergraduate student entering third or fourth year in either the Department of Economics, School of Environmental Studies, the Department of Geography, the Department of Anthropology or the Department of Political Science. Preference is for students whose academic research (Honours Thesis/JCURA under the guidance of a faculty member) could have application to the improvement of the environmental and social performance of the mining industry. Further preference is given to Indigenous women students and people of colour.

Approval of the recipients will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards based on the recommendation of the Faculty of Social Sciences.

Pooni Family Award in Geography

Value: $1,000 | Number: 1

An award of $1,000 is given to an academically outstanding undergraduate student continuing in the Department of Geography who demonstrates volunteer community involvement. Applicants must submit a statement (max 350 words) describing their community involvement. Approval of the recipient will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the Department of Geography.

Raincoast Conservation Award

Value: Varies | Number: Varies

One or more awards are given to Indigenous undergraduate students born in Canada who are continuing in the Department of Geography who have:

  • an interest in conservation, demonstrated through their classes/learning or through volunteering, and
  • demonstrated financial need.

If there are no eligible candidates, the award will be given to Indigenous undergraduate students born in Canada who are continuing in the Faculty of Social Sciences who have:

  • an interest in conservation, demonstrated through their classes/learning or through volunteering, and
  • demonstrated financial need.

Approval of the recipient(s) will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the Faculty of Social Sciences.