
Contracting for Non-Academic Services

Many services are provided by UVic departments, or by designated suppliers previously selected through a procurement process. Take a look at the list below to see if the service you need is already easy to request! 

NOTE: Most purchases over $75,000 require a public competition: Request for Proposals (RFP), Request for Quotations (RFQ), or similar. Please review "Important Procurement Thresholds for Services" below. 

What are you looking to contract for?

Academic services

Academic Services include the development or delivery of credit or non-credit courses, seminars, and workshops.

All contracting for Academic Services is handled by the Office of the Vice-President Academic and Provost; see their Contracting for Academic Services page for more information.

Construction and maintenance

Construction Services include, among other things, grounds maintenance, interior modification, cleaning, lock repairs, plumbing, painting, and capital projects.
Facilities Management handles all Construction Services. Please refer to their service catalogue to determine the work request process.

Legal services

Your first choice for legal services should be UVic’s internal General Counsel, who can be reached by 250-853-3549 or .
If you wish to obtain external legal counsel, you must request approval from General Counsel unless you are otherwise authorized by the Retention of External Legal Counsel Policy.

Photocopying and printing

Printing services are available internally through Printing Services.

Resale or disposal

See our Asset Disposal page. Purchasing Services handles all resales and disposals in-house.

Items with remaining utility must first be offered to other UVic departments free of charge. If no department currently has a use for them, Purchasing Services will facilitate a sale to an external party and profits will be given to the owning department.

Purchasing Services will also facilitate the recycle or disposal of items in compliance with Occupational Health, Safety, and Environment (OHSE).

Technology Services

For any services related to telecommunications (hardware, software, AV telephones, etc.), contact the UVic Technology Solutions Centre. They may be able to provide your service in-house or direct you to an ideal source.

Approval must be obtained from the Technology Solutions Center prior to purchasing computing or telecommunications services.  

Marketing, media, graphic design

Internal communications, media relations, professional photography and videography, web development, and promotional materials are all handled internally by UVic Communications + Marketing.

Review their website to contact the appropriate office. If external consultation is required, they may already have experience with preferred suppliers.


Travel Services include, among other things, airfare, hotels, ferries, and meals.

Faculty & Staff travel is to be arranged and paid for by UVic ccard or paid personally and reimbursed (UVic ccard is the preferred option). 

UVic guest travel can also be paid on UVic ccard or through arrangements with Purchasing Services.

Also review the Preferred Supplier list.

If you need to contract for services not listed above and you have questions please don't hesitate to reach out to the Purchasing Officer assigned to your department:  

Click here to find your Purchasing Officer. 


 Basic steps when contracting for non-academic services:

Obtain Quote from vendor

What should a quote for services contain: 

  • clear description of services
  • project scope
  • roles and responsiblities
  • location (are services provided on campus or remotely) 
  • timeline (start & end date) 
  • cost (breakdown of fees/expenses, what taxes apply)
  • date of validity (some quotes have an expiry date, be sure to submit the WebReq before it expires) 
  • vendor contact name & e-mail address
  • company name & address (for issuance of Purchase Order & cheque)  

Some vendors have official quotes or letters, other vendors may send an e-mail outlining the details. 

Don't have a vendor yet? Check our preferred supplier list or request assistance. 


Submit a WebReq

Create a WebRequisition (FAST WR) 

  • attach quote
  • If amount is not is Canadian dollars note currency (issue WebReq in amount of currency requested but note "amount is in xx$")
  • attach e-mail correspondence (if applicable)
  • In comment section of WebReq note: company name & address unless it is clearly listed on the quote
  • In comment section of WebReq note: vendor contact name & e-mail address
  • In comment section of WebReq note: if the vendor will be handling or storing personal information in the course of performing the services / if the vendor will have acess to Uvic systems in the course of performing the services
  • attach Direct Award form (if applicable) 
  • attach Contractor information form (IMPORTANT: please ensure all questions are answered!) 
  • submit WebReq to account holder or delegate for spending authority approval
  • submit WebReq to Purchasing 

Stakeholder Approvals

Purchasing will assess if the WebReq requires further approval by stakeholders such as:

  • Research Accounting
  • Technology Solutions Centre
  • Risk & Insurance 
  • Occupational Health & Safety
  • Marketing
  • Privacy Office 
  • General Counsel 

Service Agreement (SA)

Purchasing decides which type of UVic Service Agreement (SA) is applicable to your request and we will draft the SA based on the quote and information provided in the WebReq. 

Purchasing will further:   

  • send the draft SA for your review 
  • send the SA to the vendor for their review and signature
  • work with the vendor in case they insist on using their own contract instead of a UVic SA 
  • the Purchasing Officer will sign the SA (or vendor contract) on your behalf  

NOTE: Commitment Authority is the authority to commit the University to legally binding contracts with external parties by signing contracts.

No person may sign any document that creates an obligation or undertaking on behalf of the University unless authorized as per Schedule A of the Signing Authority Policy (FM5100)

Purchasing Officers are authorized to sign contracts on behalf of the University. 

Payment to contractor

Once the Service Agreement is fully signed Purchasing will issue a Purchase Order and send it to the vendor. 

  • the vendor will be advised to note the Purchase Order number on the invoice and send it to payments@uvic.ca for payment 
  • the invoice will be routed to a signing authority for approval
  • signing authority will review the invoice for accuracy (services have been provided as agreed upon, invoice is correct) and approve for payment
  • Accounts Payable will pay the invoice 


NOTE: there is no further involvement by Purchasing Services for the actual payment of the invoice. 

Important Procurement Thresholds for Services


Doller Value Required Process Options
up to $15,000
  • Provide single written quote via WebReq
  • Optional Public Competition (client’s choice)
$15,001 to $74,999
  • Provide at least three written quotes
  • Public Competition
  • Direct Award (with written justification in Direct Award Form)
$75,000 and over
  • Public Competition
  • Direct Award (with Notice of Intent)

Most purchases over $75,000 require a public competition: Request for Proposals (RFP), Request for Quotations (RFQ), or similar.

In exceptional circumstances, and only in accordance with trade agreements, a direct award request may be considered and may require publicly posting a Notice of Intent (NOI).

Qualifying for Direct Award 

Frequently Asked Questions

What is considered a ‘Non-Academic’ service?

A service that is outside of academic credit and non-credit courses, seminars, and workshop development and instruction.

Does my contractor need WCB?

The contractor will need to contact WorkSafe BC to verify if they require WCB for the services that they will provide your department. You will need to include written confirmation from the supplier that acknowledges they have contacted WorkSafe BC and do not require WCB for the services in question. Final WCB waivers must be approved by the Risk Management office.

What if this small contractor doesn't have Liability Insurance?

Liability insurance is needed in order to assure that UVic can recover costs if sued. If you believe there is very little risk involved in the work, the Risk Management office can approve a waiver to this requirement.

What do I do if the contractor wants to use their own contract?

Contact Purchasing Services before committing to the contract. These contracts can include terms that do not comply with UVic policies, and we can help you negotiate changes that will satisfy UVic policy, privacy requirements and risk tolerance.

Can we make changes to an existing Services Agreement?

For contract extensions, changes to scope, timeline or cost reach out to the Purchasing Officer assigned to your department for advise. 

In most cases you will be asked to submit a new WebRequisition.