
Surplus asset management

Purchasing Services manages the reallocation, sale, disposal or donation of surplus UVic assets.

Do you have something surplus to your needs? Review the categories below to find the method or forms you'll need. Keep your Department Administrator in the loop - they may handle it for you. For an overview, see this flowchart.

Does your department want to trade in goods for a better price on replacement equipment?
Fill out a WebReq for the new purchase as normal, and include a statement indicating your ability and wish to do so.  

Does your department need to dispose of ...

Computer-related items

To comply with privacy, archival and security policy, any devices that store data will have their hard drives removed and destroyed, or “scrubbed” if they will be reallocated within the University.

  1. If you are a staff/faculty member, notify your department administrator that the item is surplus to your needs.
  2. You or your department administrator must arrange with DSS or your department’s internal IT person to secure data on the device(s) where applicable.
  3. DSS or the IT person assesses items for future on-campus use, and applies either an Asset or Recycle sticker.
    • If any items are tagged as Assets, you or the department admin decides if the items can be re-used within their department.
    • If the items are surplus to their departments needs, your or your department admin submits a Surplus Assessment Request Form so the Surplus Asset Coordinator can assess further.
  4. If items are tagged as Recycling, you or your department admin will need to submit a FMIS request to have the items collected and recycled by Waste Reduction.


You'll need to submit a FMIS request to have FMGT Furniture Coordinators assess the items. The Furniture Coordinators will decide if an item can be reused or if it should be disposed of, either by recycling or via the surplus disposal stream.

Grant-funded purchases

To dispose of or resell anything purchased for you/your department through a grant, contact Research Services.

Anything else

Submit a Surplus Assessment Request Form.

What will happen

  1. The Surplus Asset Coordinator will be in touch to arrange a viewing of the items.
  2. Items will be assessed and tagged as either Recycling or as an Asset.
    • For items labelled as Recycling, you or your department admin will have to submit a FMIS request for Waste Reduction to collect/recycle the material.
    • For items labelled as an Asset, you or your department admin will have to submit a FMIS request for Distribution Services to collect/deliver the material to the Surplus Asset Coordinator for on-campus reallocation or disposal via sale or donation.
  3. If an item is sold, the net revenue will go back to the department’s accounts.

Does your department want to acquire new-to-you furniture? Submit an FMIS request describing what you're looking for. For information on other surplus assets available for repurposing, contact the .

Are you looking to buy UVic surplus assets for personal use? The University does NOT sell surplus materials, equipment, furniture or furnishings directly to University staff. Employees of the University may bid on publicly auctioned items so the sale is fair, competed and transparent.

Conditions for Sale of UVic Surplus Assets

  1. Offers shall be on an “as is - where is” basis and subject to the conditions of sale set forth herein. The ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø makes no representations or warranties, express or implied, as to merchantability, fitness for purpose, or any other condition or quality.
  2. Inspection prior to submitting an offer is the responsibility of the prospective buyer.
  3. Offers to purchase will be accepted only by the Director, Purchasing Services, or their delegate.
  4. The ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø will not be responsible for any failure in electronic communications that may occur during an online auction process.
  5. A deposit is not required with any offers submitted.
  6. Buyer is responsible for all shipping, customs, duty and insurance fees.
  7. Payment Terms are dependent on method of sale, and may include: cash, credit, debit, or wire transfer.
  8. Surplus sales are subject to applicable taxes.
  9. Commercial invoices for Customs and Brokerage for overseas shipments will declare actual amount paid for items.
  10. Payment shall be made within five (5) working days of written acceptance of the offer by the ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø. If the bidder does not meet these payment terms, the item could be offered to other bidders, based on date/time of receipt of the offer.
  11. Goods are not to be released to the bidder without proof of payment.
  12. Goods are not to be held or stored.
  13. The ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø reserves the right to withdraw items from a sale at any time.
  14. The ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø reserves the right to reject any or all offers or to negotiate partial sales, pricing or terms and conditions with any prospective buyer(s) without the duty to inform other prospective buyers.
  15. If through withdraw, loss or error, material cannot be delivered to the Purchaser, the University's liability shall be limited to refund of the purchase price or such portion thereof the University determines as equitable for a period of up to 30 days. The University may re-sell or dispose of the item after the 30 day vesting period.
  16. The Purchaser shall be liable and responsible for the costs of repairing or making good any damage to the University property caused by the Purchaser or their agents while on University property or during removal of an item purchased.
  17. The University does not assume any liability for injury or loss incurred in the inspection, removal, use or handling of the property listed herein.
  18. Submission of the Offer/Bid shall be construed as constituting understanding and acceptance of all terms and conditions set out here.