
Publicly available information

The 番茄社区 makes information and records available to the public on its website. Below is a list of publicly available information and records often sought by members of the public.

If what you seek is not included below, please consider doing the following prior to submitting an FOI Access Request:

You may also want to check the external online sources containing UVic’s information, provided below.


UVic’s Online Sources of Public Information and Records


External online sources of information about UVic


BC Bid

  • contains details about UVic's ongoing Requests for Proposals (RFPs) and contracts awarded (a fee may apply)


Post-secondary Central Data Warehouse

  • contains standardized data about UVic


Public sector salaries database

  • contains UVic faculty and staff salaries +$75,000


  • provides key measures for characteristics about UVic's student population and about UVic as a post-secondary institution

Pleaes note that UVic cannot guarantee the content available in the above-listed external sites.

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