
Home loan program

The university’s home loan support program assists eligible members with the purchase of their first owner-occupied residence in Lower Vancouver Island by providing a 15-year interest-free loan of $50,000.


The eligible for relocation assisstance program applies to:

  • Newly recruited full-time faculty members and librarians appointed to regular, tenured or tenure-track appointments at the university, and
  • Newly recruited full-time senior excluded staff appointed to continuing appointments at the university.

Relocation assistance is available to faculty, librarians and senior excluded staff, who are commencing regular or continuing appointments and are relocating their primary residence from a distance of more than 50 kilometres from their primary work site.

This program does not apply to anyone with a limited term appointment.

Application deadline

An eligible member must apply for home loan support no later than five years after the start date of their appointment. Requests to extend the eligibility period must be made prior to the expiry of the eligibility period and will be considered on a case-by-case basis by the applicable vice-president. 

If the eligible member plans to purchase a residence prior to the effective date of their appointment, they may apply at any time after their appointment has been approved by the applicable vice-president or designate.  

About the program

Application or inquiries to the program 

Please complete the above form and submit your completed form to:

Office of the General Counsel
Sedgewick Building A117
P.O. Box 1700 STN CSC
Victoria BC V8W 2Y2

or by email to: