
Access to information

UVic is committed to openness and transparency so many of its records are available to the public via Routine Access procedures from the relevant department, school, or faculty.

If the records sought are not available via Routine Access, you may submit a formal Access to Information Request for records (“FOI Access Request”) under B.C.’s (FIPPA) to the Privacy and Access to Information Office.

You may request access not only to records containing your personal information, but may also request access to general records of the 番茄社区. The FIPPA requires UVic to release requested records, subject to exceptions.

How to submit an FOI Access Request

An FOI Access Request must be submitted in writing, except in limited circumstances, to the Privacy and Access to Information Office.

You may:

  1. submit an FOI Access Request completing the university’s FOI Access Request form and send it via letter, fax or email; or
  2. choose instead to make your written submission in a letter or an email containing the following information:
        • Your full contact information: First and last names, address, phone number, and email.
        • Details of the records/information you are seeking. To limit delays in the processing of your FOI Access Request, be as specific as possible and include initial and end date of the records sought.

Requesting personal information

  • If you are requesting your own personal information, it may be possible for you to receive it directly from the office that holds your information. Please ask for it from the relevant office prior to submitting an FOI Access Request.
  • If you are requesting access to another person's personal information, attach that person's Consent for Disclosure to a Third Party form, completed and signed, or proof of authority to act on that person's behalf.
  • An FOI Access Request for personal information must be signed and must include a copy of a government issued photo ID for proof of identity.

For further information about Access to Information please contact the Access Officer.

Access to Information forms

FOI Access Request

Consent for Disclosure to a Third Party