

Where can I find accurate information about immigration issues during COVID-19?

Please consult for the latest information. You'll also find helpful information on UVic's Immigration website.

What if my work permit is due to expire and I can鈥檛 travel home?

If you are no longer working or studying and your work or study permit will expire before you are able to travel home due to the COVID-19 situation, you may apply to remain in Canada as a visitor.  Please apply online for a , not a Temporary Resident Visa. 

What should I do if my work permit is expiring?

If you need to extend your Work Permit, please ask your supervisor to contact Lori Shaw, Immigration Coordinator, at immigration@uvic.ca

What if I will not be working but need to remain in Canada?

You may apply to stay as a visitor.  Please see information above to apply for a Visitor Record.