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Implementation framework & toolkit

Advancing the goals set out by the Equity Action Plan will require action across the university. In support of this work, the following framework and resources are provided to guide and support leaders, units, departments and groups.

The Implementation Framework includes the principles and phases necessary for unit-level advancement of the EAP, to move from identifying which actions your unit can contribute to, to activity implementation and meaningful evaluation.

 EAP Implementation Framework

Download and print the EAP implementation quick sheet


These principles are meant to lead the decisions and actions we take as we move through the phases of implementation.


At UVic, advancing equity starts with recognizing the injustices that are created in and maintained by the systems and structures on our campus and their impacts on community members. Equity requires institutional action, including the direct allocation of resources and the creation of fair, accessible opportunities and supports that address the diverse needs of the campus community. The EAP will use creative solutions to redistribute power and eliminate intentional and unintentional barriers experienced by members of systemically and historically marginalized groups. 


Diversity is typically understood as the measurable representation or presence of differences in lived experience and intersections of identities (e.g., race, sexuality, age, gender, ability) within a group. At UVic, measuring diversity will help us better understand who makes up our campus community and who is missing or excluded. While we work to increase diversity, we understand that diversity without equity and inclusion is meaningless.


At UVic, inclusion is the intentional and ongoing act of creating conditions where every community member can fulfill their potential and bring their authentic selves forward. Inclusion involves and benefits everyone. A measure of inclusion is whether systemically and historically marginalized individuals and groups share power in processes, activities and decisions.


At UVic, we will strive to be accountable by practicing transparency and working to build relationships and trust. We understand that accountability must include a commitment to communication, to learning, to reflexivity, to receiving feedback and to action. As we go about advancing the goals of the Equity Action Plan, we must ensure our processes and our outcomes are considerate of equity.

We seek to be accountable to:

  • Broad impact/strategy - university activities work to advance the guiding statements set out by the UVic Strategic Plan (including the pledge to ʔetal nəwəl | ÁTOL,NEUEL) and the goals of the Equity Action Plan
  • UVic community – we work to dismantle barriers and build relationships with those most impacted by the actions set by the Equity Action Plan
  • Lateral/team - as we work to advance the Equity Action Plan, we are responsible to each other as a team of employees for applying our principles and values as consistently internally within our work with each other as they are externally, with the broader university community

Phases & tools

The framework sets out 5 phases through which units will advance the actions of the Equity Action Plan. In the first phase, ‘Get Started,’ you’ll review the entire Equity Action Plan and then determine which actions your unit will contribute to through supporting activities.

The other phases make up a cycle through which each individual activity will be planned, put in motion, assessed and reflected upon. This cycle is meant to be iterative, meaning that the phases can be worked through multiple times as you refine your activities.

The toolkit is an evolving library of tools, guides, and resources that support unit-level planning and implementation. The tools are meant to be used by leaders that are be responsible for directing and coordinating a faculty, division, department or unit’s implementation of the Equity Action Plan.

Before you get started, consult these quick tips for using the tools:

  • Use the tools in the order that they are listed. The tools are designed to build off one another, but leaders may decide to use some or all the tools in each phase depending on their needs and context.
  • Be prepared to adapt to your context. The tools suggest steps for implementation, but they are not workbooks or facilitation guides. Leaders will need to work alongside their teams to determine how best to guide their units through these steps.
  • Allow for creativity. You are encouraged to use different collaborative methods as you engage in the discussions and steps laid out in these tools. Host meetings or open houses, send out emails and surveys, use flip chart paper or sticky notes.

Last updated: Oct 2023

This resource supports leaders in considering who to engage throughout the implementation of the EAP. After reviewing this resource, leaders will have a better understanding of what equitable engagement is and ideas they can apply to their unit, department, or faculty level planning.

Download Equitable Engagement for Implementation

This slide deck can be used to introduce working groups to the EAP Implementation Framework. We encourage leaders to use this as a starting place for discussions about implementation principles and phases.

Download Introducing the Implementation Framework

Get started

Ensure you have a firm understanding of the goals and actions in the Equity Action Plan. Identify what actions are relevant to your unit and where your portfolio is named as a lead. Use the support resources provided on the EAP website to carry out a prioritization process to identify where your team can have the largest impact.

This tool provides leaders with a suggested process for reviewing the EAP to identify relevant goals and actions that can be implemented within their context.

Download Your Unit within the EAP If you would like an editable version of the worksheet, please email equityaction@uvic.ca 

By following the suggested process outlined in this tool, units, departments and faculties will ‘brainstorm’ and prioritize potential activities that advance the actions laid out in of the EAP. After using this tool, units will have created a shortlist of priority activities.

Download Ideating and Prioritizing Activities


Now that you’ve identified an activity to implement, assemble the right team to build your project plan. Planning requires identifying the scope of the project (timeline, logistics, etc.), developing impact goals and taking bold creative actions to reduce barriers and increase equity.

This tool provides the information and steps to follow during activity planning to set an impact goal and preparing to assess an activity. 

Download Setting Impact Goals If you would like an editable version of the template, please email equityaction@uvic.ca 

This tool is designed to support individuals, units and project teams in the intentional thinking and action required to apply equity considerations to the development of a policy, project, event, decision, etc.at the 番茄社区 including activities in support of the EAP.

Download Equity Lens ABCs


Put your project plan in motion. Update, alter and change policies, practices or programs or run a pilot of something new. Monitor project progress and adjust as needed.

Assess for impact

Assess both intended and unintended impacts. Evaluate signals of change to determine if your impact goals have been met.

Reflect & iterate

Reflect on what you’ve learned from your activity. Determine what worked and what didn’t. Make changes, expand pilots and/or return to the planning phase.

This tool contains suggested reflection questions to support faculties, divisions, departments or units in considering next steps for their EAP activity.

Download Reflection for Action

Case studies

Below are case studies created to showcase ways that UVic units are using the Implementation Framework and toolkit to set priorities and move into action.


Please reach out if you have trouble accessing the tools and/or require a different format. If you get stuck or are not sure what the next step is for your unit, help is available. The Equity Action Team can assist with coaching and troubleshooting. Email us at equityaction@uvic.ca