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Institutional accountability

Conduct ongoing, transparent evaluations of this action plan with continued opportunities for meaningful engagement and feedback with/from the community.


Like other post-secondary institutions, UVic has been criticized for inconsistent follow-through and reporting on institutional plan outcomes. During the creation of this plan, we heard a lack of trust from community members and a concern that an Equity Action Plan won’t lead to meaningful action. In response, community members relayed the importance of clear responsibilities for action and transparent evaluations of this plan.

Committed actions

  1. Evaluate, assess and report on senior leadership’s activities that champion equity and advance the goals of the EAP. Lead: President

  2. Widely communicate the shared responsibility of implementing and reporting on the EAP. Lead: All portfolios

  3. Review new institutional and unit-level plans as well as reporting structures with an equity lens and ensure alignment with the EAP. Lead: All portfolios

  4. Implement and report on regular Equity Reviews with support from Equity and Human Rights to assess and guide initiatives to build an inclusive campus that is responsive to the needs of systemically and historically marginalized groups.* Leads: All portfolios, Equity & Human Rights

  5. Review and revise dispute resolution policies and procedures, including disciplinary measures and protections against retaliation. Revisions should improve responsiveness to redress racism and oppression and promote inclusion and belonging.* Leads: VP Academic & Provost, VP Finance & Operations, University Secretary

  6. Carry out the Better Data Project to establish clear guidelines and governance concerning the collection of self-identification data to evaluate and inform the actions associated with the EAP. Leads: VP Academic & Provost, VP Finance & Operations, Equity & Human Rights

  7. Collect baseline data to identify the extent of (under)representation of all systemically and historically marginalized student and employee groups–starting with recruitment through retention.* Leads: VP Academic & Provost, VP Finance & Operations, Equity & Human Rights

  8. Conduct an equity review of UVic graduate student experiences. Lead: VP Academic & Provost

  9. Respond to the Vice President Finance and Operations portfolio assessments to identify and address gaps in understanding, and the capacity of leadership and management to implement EAP initiatives. Lead: VP Finance & Operations

  10. Design an ongoing reporting mechanism for the campus community that involves sharing progress on the EAP, consulting on reprioritization and emerging issues, and communicating actions from across the university. Lead: Equity & Human Rights

  11. Develop tools and strategies to support the UVic community in addressing resistance to the change required to achieve the goals the EAP. Lead: Equity & Human Rights 

Barriers & targeted actions

Barriers Targeted actions

The hierarchical and complex nature of the power structures at UVic make true accountability difficult to achieve, especially the advancement of equity initiatives.

Past evaluations of equity initiatives are perceived as performative and insincere. As a result, there is a lack of trust from across the community, especially within systemically and historically marginalized populations. 

Action 4: Implement and report on regular Equity Reviews with support from Equity and Human Rights to assess and guide initiatives to build an inclusive campus that is responsive to the needs of systemically and historically marginalized groups.* Leads: All portfolios, Equity & Human Rights
The collection, management and use of equity data (e.g., data on racialization, ability, gender or sexual orientation) lacks organization and consistency. As a result, the data is not being used effectively. Action 6: Carry out the Better Data Project to establish clear guidelines and governance concerning the collection of self-identification data to evaluate and inform the actions associated with the EAP. Leads: VP Academic & Provost, VP Finance & Operations, Equity & Human Rights  
The lack of clarity and transparency when it comes to the outcomes of complaint procedures (e.g., reporting instances of discrimination) erodes trust in existing accountability systems.  Action 5: Review and revise dispute resolution policies and procedures, including disciplinary measures and protections against retaliation. Revisions should improve responsiveness to redress racism and oppression and promote inclusion and belonging.* Leads: VP Academic & Provost, VP Finance & Operations, University Secretary    
If accountability to implement, evaluate and report on the Equity Action Plan is controlled by a single unit, a conflict of interest around responsibility, transparency and accountability could exist.

Action 2: Widely communicate the shared responsibility of implementing and reporting on the EAP. Lead: All portfolios

Action 10: Design an ongoing reporting mechanism for the campus community that involves sharing progress on the EAP, consulting on reprioritization and emerging issues, and communicating actions from across the university. Lead: Equity & Human Rights 

 *Adapted from the Scarborough Charter

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