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Employment equity data

The Equity Action Plan now encompasses UVic’s employment equity special program, which falls under the jurisdiction of . The current special program is approved from September 2022 through September 2027. It provides new strategies in recruitment and retention, a plan for improved employment equity data collection, and the right to conduct limited and preferential hiring searches for underrepresented populations. The special program is assessed on an on-going basis in consultation with BC's Office of the Human Rights Commissioner using the data presented below. 

By collecting data about who is a part of the UVic community, we can continue to improve our equity initiatives and strategies. We know that representation matters, to our employees and to our students, who want to see themselves reflected in the community around them. By increasing our campus diversity and committing to inclusive practices, we create a more robust working and learning environment for everyone.

Our current state

To fulfill provincial reporting requirements, UVic collects employment equity data through the Employment Equity Survey. The survey – which is sent to all new employees regardless of employment status – allows UVic employees to self-identify as a member of one or more of Canada’s four protected groups:

  1. Women
  2. Indigenous Peoples
  3. Persons with Disabilities
  4. Visible Minorities

Given the survey is voluntary, the following data represent only survey respondents. Currently, our response rate is roughly 85%.

A note on diversity

As we continue to assess our data collection methods, it’s important to note that these tables do not represent the full diversity of UVic’s campus community. If diversity is the measurable representation of difference, then we need data beyond the four designated groups highlighted above. UVic recognizes this shortcoming and is working to assess and improve the collection, management and reporting of equity data across campus.

A note on intersectionality

UVic also recognizes the importance of taking an intersectional approach to self-identification data collection. Specifically, understanding the experiences of individuals who identify as a member of multiple designated groups must be of the highest importance. Currently, the reporting model does not allow for intersectional analyses.

Moving forward

Given the current state of data collection as well as the shortcomings highlighted above, UVic is excited to launch the Better Data Project, which aims to create more inclusive, dynamic and consistent equity data collection methods across campus for employees and students. This will allow us to use more interactive and informative presentation tools (e.g., a live data dashboard), and will play an important role as we continue to set goals for recruitment, advancement and retention. Find out more about the Better Data Project and its implementation. 

Current data

Diversity among continuing staff

Designated group N=2040 Weighted representation Availability
Women 1295 63.5% 53.5%
Indigenous Peoples 61 3.0% 2.8%
Persons with Disabilities 83 4.1% 9.1%
Visible Minorities 227 11.1% 13.6%

Diversity among continuing faculty and librarians

Designated group N=817 Weighted representation Availability
Women 396 48.5%  44.9%
Indigenous Peoples 41 5.0%  1.4%
Persons with Disabilities 32 3.9%  8.9%
Visible Minorities 121 14.8% 20.8%

Date: April 15, 2023
Data source: Rates calculated through the Federal Workplace Employment Equity Information Management System (WEIMS) using UVic confidential self-identification data and Statistics Canada data.

  • N (i.e., N=2051 and N=818) equals the total number of continuing staff (Table 1) or faculty and librarians (Table 2) that have responded to the Employment Equity Survey.
  • Weighted representation at UVic reflects the overall representation of the respective designated groups against the total number of staff (Table 1) or faculty and librarians (Table 2).
  • Availability for staff is Census Metropolitan Area (CMA) data based on the selected geographic region (i.e., the Greater Victoria Area), weighted for the availability of ‘Professionals.’ Availability for faculty and librarians is national, weighted for the ‘Faculty, Librarians and Archivists.’

For comparison, view Statistics Canada's 2016 .

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