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Parents & families

As a parent or close family member, we know you play a key role in supporting your student’s success.

For many students, their time at university is their first real taste of independence. Here, they’ll develop the tools to seek out services and advocate for themselves. As such, your student is our primary contact. We encourage you to let your student lead any communications with us.

There are many supports available at UVic to help your student achieve their goals and overcome challenges. We encourage you to learn more about these resources and to help us keep your student informed.

Create your custom viewbook

Future UVic students can make personalized, online viewbooks that are tailored to their interests...and so can you! Build a custom viewbook to learn about the programs, services and opportunities we offer.

Academic supports

Our academic advisors help students choose programs and opportunities that match their abilities, interests and career goals. They can help with course selection, program declaration, and more. They are here as a resource to your student throughout their degree.

Students with disabilities should register with the Centre for Accessible Learning as soon as possible. The Centre offers a wide range of specialized supports, depending on need and the identified disability. Some programs are also open to all UVic students.

Paying tuition fees

There are a few ways you can pay tuition fees for your student.

Health & wellness supports

We provide a wide array of student mental health supports and resources. Our faculty and staff are trained to identify and help students in distress and point them towards resources and supports.

Counselling offers free support to UVic students. They offer one-on-one counselling as well as individual and group sessions on topics like depression, relationships, stress and anxiety.

UVic Health offers everything from care for urgent medical concerns to birth control advice and flu shots. It’s staffed by doctors, nurses and other health care professionals. Services are available to all UVic students with medical insurance. Students should contact UVic Health as early as possible to transfer medical information and learn more about their services.

Food Services offers plenty of healthy choices and  facilities, programs, classes and clubs will keep your student active.

Your student can meet friends and get advice through UVic’s , which is run by student volunteers. We also have a multifaith community on campus.

Campus safety

Safety is very important to us. Campus Security offers a SafeWalk program, and there are several free phones around campus so students can call for help any time. Make sure your student downloads our safety app in case of a campus-wide emergency.

Access to student information

At UVic we have strict policies that protect students’ privacy and ensure confidentiality. Under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, we are unable to release personal or academic information without consent.

See the university's protection of privacy policy or learn more about our commitment to confidentiality.

Contact your student recruiter

To ask specific questions, contact the recruiter for your area. We’ll respond as soon as possible!