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Expanded Qualifications: Humanities

If you're applying to the Faculty of Humanities, you can submit a Personal Information Profile (PIP) to support your application to UVic. Expanded Qualifications is optional, and you only need to submit if you think your self-reported grades will not be sufficient for admission.

IMPORTANT: Review the general requirements for the Expanded Qualifications admission category to ensure that your submission will be considered.

Support & resources

If you're accepted to the Faculty of Humanities through Expanded Qualifications, you'll be connected with a mentor who can help you make the transition to university and access support services such as the Centre for Academic Communication and the Centre for Accessible Learning.

As well, you'll be required to take the following courses during your first year of study:

When do I submit?

You can submit Expanded Qualifications information after you have applied to UVic and received your introductory email from your admission assistant.

The submission deadline is April 1. Decisions are usually made in early May.

What do I submit?

Send an email to your admission assistant with the following documents included as attachments.

1. Personal Information Profile

Download and complete the Personal Information Profile.

2. Resume (maximum of three pages)

Your resume should outline your educational achievements and goals, and demonstrate your work, volunteer, athletic, arts and/or cultural achievements.

Submit your resume as a PDF or Microsoft Word file.

3. Personal essay (500 words or less)

Reflect on and tell us about the study/academic skills you believe you need to develop to ensure your success at university. Describe how you will start developing these skills now, and how you will continue your efforts if you are admitted to UVic.

Submit your personal essay as a PDF or Microsoft Word file.

4. Letter of reference (maximum of one page)

Your letter of reference should support the statements you make in your personal essay and attest to the reliability of your commitments. Your referee can be an educator, community leader, co-worker, coach, supervisor or employer. References from close friends or family members will not normally be considered.

Submit your letter of reference as a PDF file. It must be signed and dated by the referee.

More information

Contact Undergraduate 番茄社区 for more information.