
AWR prep

students studying at the university write in event
Students receiving writing support at a program write in event

ATWP 101 - Fundamentals of Academic Literacy

If you are feeling unsure about being able to succeed in a university-level Academic Writing or English class, we recommend that you enrol in ATWP 101 before you attempt an AWR-designated course. ATWP 101 is for students who need to strengthen their reading and writing skills. The small class size (no more that 24 students per session) allows for a lot of emphasis on building proficiency in academic reading and writing through extensive practice and individualized instruction. ATWP 101 sample syllabus

Online ATWP 101 sample syllabus

This course will be of particular interest to students 

  • Who need to spend more time reviewing and practicing high school level skills before moving on to the advanced reading, writing, and research skills required to meet the university's Academic Writing Requirement;
  • Who want explicit instruction in sentence-level and mechanical aspects of English language writing (sentence structure, punctuation, diction, etc.);
  • Or who want more sustained practice in university-level reading and writing.

Please note that ATWP 101 is a graded, credit course (worth 1.5 units), but it does not fulfill the University's Academic Writing Requirement. Students cannot receive credit for ATWP 101 once they have successfully completed a course that meets the AWR (ATWP 135, ENSH 146, ENSH 147, or ENGR 110).