
On campus support

A photo of the building sign for Sedgewick Building.

Anti-Violence Project

The  (AVP) is a peer-based support and advocacy centre in UVic’s Student Union Building. The AVP strives to provide support services to people of all genders, educational workshops, resources and referrals, and advocacy for people who have experienced violence, people supporting those who have experienced violence, and those who have caused harm. 

Support hours offered by appointment only. Schedule an appointment by:

  • Dropping by AVP office in (B027) in the SUB Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays 10am to 4pm
  • Emailing
  • Phoning 250-721-8080 and leaving a message with the best number to return your call


Campus Security Services

Campus Security Services has a safehaven area inside the front doors for help 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Their services like SafeWalk and the Campus Alone program can help people concerned about personal safety on campus. Campus Security’s personal safety coordinators provide support and referral for all personal safety related concerns, and coordinate crime prevention programs on campus.


Location: Campus Security Building (Beside the bus loop and Bookstore)

Centre for Accessible Learning

Centre for Accessible Learning works with faculty and students to promote educational accessibility for students with disabilities and chronic health conditions. 


Location: Campus Services Building, Room 150

Equity and Human Rights

Equity and Human Rights assists community members and help guide them through the range of available options such as dispute resolution, invesigating human rights complaints, and providing information and support in cases of sexualized violence. 


Location: Sedgewick Building C-Wing

First Peoples House

First Peoples House is a social, cultural and academic centre for Indigenous students at UVic. 


Location: First Peoples House

International Centre for Students

International Centre for Students provides international student services, information and programs for undergraduate and graduate students from pre-arrival to degree completion.


Location: Jamie Cassels Centre, Room B202d

Mental health

Student Wellness Centre (SWC) aims to provide holistic care to support UVic students’ wellbeing emotionally, physically and spiritually. The SWC team includes counsellors, doctors, nurses, administrative staff, chaplains and other practitioners.

Mental health resources include free confidential counselling to UVic students enrolled in a degree program. They also offer group counselling and a free, confidential 24/7 mental health service called SupportConnect


Location: Health and Wellness Building (directly across McKenzie Ave from CARSA)

Office of Student Life

Office of Student Life (OSL) provides case management support to students who need help navigating university processes. They also investigate and respond to allegations of student non-academic misconduct and offer programming to support the well-being and development of UVic students.


Location: Jamie Cassels Centre, Room B202

Physical health

Student Wellness Centre (SWC) aims to provide holistic care to support UVic students’ wellbeing emotionally, physically and spiritually. The SWC team includes counsellors, doctors, nurses, administrative staff, chaplains and other practitioners.

Physical health resources include free full service primary health clinic for students plus healthy student and campus initiatives.


Location: Health and Wellness Building (directly across McKenzie Ave from CARSA)

Spiritual health

Multifaith Centre provides religious support and spiritual care for students, faculty and staff. This includes mindfulness and meditation, prayer, weekly activities, retreats and workshops on a variety of topics.


Location: Multifaith Centre

Student Wellness Centre

The Student Wellness Centre (SWC) aims to provide holistic care to support UVic students’ wellbeing emotionally, physically and spiritually. The SWC team includes counsellors, doctors, nurses, administrative staff, chaplains and other practitioners.


Location: Health and Wellness Building (directly across McKenzie Ave from CARSA)