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Health and Wellness (HWB)

Health and Wellness Building

The Health and Wellness Building (HWB) contains Counselling and Health which, together with Multifaith, make up the Student Wellness Centre.

Counselling and Health offer UVic students same-day and pre-booked appointments with counsellors, doctors and nurses.




HWB, formerly the Technology Enterprise Facility, was completed in 2003. It originally housed union offices and a number of technology-based companies that worked closely with the university’s research community.

In 2020 the building was renovated and renamed to house the Student Wellness Centre (SWC). The centre aims to provide holistic care to support UVic students’ wellbeing—emotionally, physically and spiritually—through Counselling, Health, and Multifaith. The SWC team includes counsellors, doctors, nurses, administrative staff, chaplains and other practitioners.