
Job opportunities


Faculty Position


Please check back later.



Grant Funded Positions


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Staffing Positions


Sessional Lecturers


Spring term 2025 Microbiology 200B Introductory Microbiology II


Teaching Assistants


No positions at this time. Please check back. 

BCMB 301B and 301B

BCMB 406A and 406B

MICR 200A and 200B



CUPE 4163 application form

The rate of pay for Teaching Assistants will be in accordance with the CUPE 4163 salary schedule for Senior Assistants. Priority will first be given to graduate students enrolled in the department's graduate program, in accordance with the department's Appointment Priority Policy.

Department of Biochemistry and Microbiology Appointment Priority Policy for Specialist Instructional (CUPE 4163) Positions



Laboratory Assistants

No positions at this time. Please check back later.

BCMB 301 Laboratory Assistant

BCMB 406 Laboratory Assistant


 CUPE 4163 application form

The rate of pay for Junior Laboratory Assistants will be in accordance with the CUPE 4163 salary schedule for Junior Assistants.



Work Study

Check out what's available here.

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