
Graduate studies

Morteza Razavi in a lab looking at a blood sample
Graduate student Morteza Razavi worked on a research team that developed less-invasive blood tests that use a single drop of blood. Photo: UVic Photo Services.

Graduate programs

Our MSc and PhD programs in biochemistry and microbiology offer research training in a broad range of life science research areas. We focus on the mechanisms of improving health and the environment.

Research opportunities

We offer exciting opportunities for research in these areas:

  • molecular and microbial pathogenesis
  • gene expression and cell signaling
  • diagnostics, therapeutics and vaccines

Our research is supported by the technological platforms of structural biology, proteomics and genomics.

Our research facilities include the and Crystallography suite. We provide the technology and equipment needed to complete a graduate degree relevant to today’s careers in biochemistry and microbiology.


We offer a minimum of $27k per annum in financial support with a wide array of graduate awards. Average annual stipend for BCMB graduate students in 2022/23 was $33,350.

Learn more about requirements and eligibility or how to apply.