

Biotechnical Support Centre


The Centre maintains and repairs laboratory equipment and instrumentation for the department’s teaching laboratories and Faculty of Science research groups. The Biotechnical Support staff have a broad range of expertise with instruments and equipment commonly found in laboratories involved in molecular biology, biochemistry and microbiology.



Email  Phone: 250 721 6566 

Electronics Technician
Stephen Horak Email    Phone: 250 721 6093

Electronics Technician
TBD Email   Phone: 250 721 8053 

Electronics Technician
Nick Fletcher Email  Phone: 250 472 5830  

Electronics Technician
Darin Neiuwendorp  Currently unavailable.


Centre Location and Hours

Petch Building, room 257

Hours of Service:
Monday - Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm


Scope of Work

The Biotechnical Support Centre provides support to the research and teaching programs in the Faculty of Science. 

Services provided are:

  • Diagnostics and repairs of a diverse array of scientific equipment and instruments
  • Maintenance and calibration of scientific equipment and instruments
  • Review of manufacturer's specifications, design diagrams or schematics and recommending specific equipment models and/or suppliers
  • Inspection, and advice on installation, of newly acquired equipment
  • Provision of technical advice for the safe and appropriate operation of sophisticated technical instrumentation


Priority of Work

The Biochemistry and Microbiology Biotechnical Support Centre is an ‘in-house’ shop; therefore the normal priority and cost for processing work will be:

  • Biochemistry and Microbiology undergraduate labs: Labour costs are not charged. Parts costs are recovered.
  • Biochemistry and Microbiology research activities: Labour is charged at $30/hour and parts costs are recovered.
  • Faculty of Science undergraduate labs and research labs: Labour is charged at $30/hour and parts costs are recovered.
  • Other departments/units of the 番茄社区: Labour is charged at $50/hour and parts costs are recovered.
  • After hours, urgent requests: $120/hour