

Students working together

Excellent facilities and technical support

Modern science requires the right tools. Our students and researchers work with amazing instruments and facilities. We:

  • analyze atomic structure
  • screen yeast with a robot
  • analyze molecular interactions with an ultracentrifuge
  • work with animal models
  • measure gene expression with array technology
  • express pathogenic proteins in insect cells
  • measure proteins binding DNA or proteins binding carbohydrates
  • analyze cellular signaling with confocal microscopy
  • culture cancer cells
  • analyze protein expression with flow cytometry
  • analyze viral genomes
  • identify femtograms of protein with mass spectrometry


The centre provides exceptional service and support for proteomics research in the areas of protein identification and characterization, and quantitative proteomics for biomarker discovery and validation.

Core Equipment Facility:
This facility provides the use of cutting edge science equipment to further research goals of members of the university community and of the wider research community within a biosafety level 2+ setting. To access training please contact bcmbcorefacility@uvic.ca 

A bioinformatics resource for researchers working with large DNA viruses such as poxviruses, African swine fever virus, iridoviruses and baculoviruses. The resource provides databases and easy-to-use software tools that focus on comparative genomics analyses.

Biotechnical Support Centre:
This shop maintains and repairs laboratory equipment and instrumentation for the department’s teaching laboratories and faculty research groups. The biotechnical support staff have a broad range of expertise with instruments and equipment commonly found in laboratories involved in molecular biology, biochemistry and microbiology.

The Crystallography Suite: 
The department is home to a new Rigaku MicroMax 007 rotating anode X-ray generator with VariMax HF confocal optics and Arcsec technology, a Pilatus 200k CMOS-based detector and an Oxford crysystem 800 cryo-cooler which enables the collection of X-ray diffraction data on single crystals at cryo temperatures. This technology supports a strong structural biology based research cluster within the department.