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Prospective post-doc fellows

postdoc with supervisor

As a post-doctoral fellow (PDF) at UVic, you'll be engaged in building the future in a dynamic and diverse community of scholars. You'll have opportunities to develop your research and collaborate with other outstanding researchers and teachers. You'll work in an innovative, supportive and collegial environment.

Learn about the questions that are engaging our researchers. Discover your research passions in our beautiful and vibrant setting on Canada's west coast.

What is a PDF?

A post-doctoral fellow (PDF) is someone who is pursuing their research after completing their doctorate. They conduct independent research, but must be supervised by a UVic faculty member. In general, PDFs are either:

  • grant funded, meaning they are paid from their supervisor’s grants, and are employed by their PDF supervisor, or
  • externally funded, meaning they receive PDF funding from an external organization through a competitive process, and have an appointment at the university through a PDF supervisor.

Typically, a post-doctoral fellow needs to have completed a PhD from a recognized university. They should start the fellowship no more than four years after the completion of their doctorate.

How to apply

If you have recently completed or are near completion of a PhD, you may want to contact UVic faculty members to discuss your interests and see if they have any PDF positions available through their grant funding.

You should also consider seeking your own funding from an external organization that funds post-doctoral fellowships, such as , or , among others. Generally, application deadlines for such competitions are in the early fall, results are announced the following spring, and the recipients are eligible to access funds shortly after formal announcement of the results.

International applicants

If you are not a Canadian or a permanent resident of Canada, you will need to apply for a work permit and/or visa to allow you to come to Canada for your post-doctoral fellowship. Getting these is your responsibility. The process can take a long time, depending on where you are from.

Policy & appointment procedures

If you're interested in becoming a PDF at UVic, you should read the UVic Post-Doctoral Fellows Policy and Appointment Procedures. The policy and procedures provide information on a wide range of issues, including:

  • eligibility requirements for PDFs
  • process for appointment
  • template Letters of Offer (with standard terms conditions), which all potential PDFs must receive

Need help?

 If you have questions or need help, please contact our post-doctoral fellows liaison.