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Membership in the Faculty of Graduate Studies

The Faculty of Graduate Studies (FGS) is committed to excellence in the supervision of graduate students. Our members demonstrate commitment to scholarship, professional achievement, credentials and artistic achievement.

As members of supervisory committees, FGS members play a key role in guiding graduate students to success. Appointments to membership in the FGS are made by its dean.

All members of the FGS must observe the policies and procedures of UVic. Their work may include supervision of graduate students, service on graduate student supervisory committees and teaching graduate courses.

Membership categories


Restricted to tenured and tenure-track faculty members appointed at UVic. Membership is normally granted for the length of their academic appointment. All supervisory privileges are within their home academic units.


Restricted to non-tenured or non-tenure-track teaching faculty, adjunct and limited term faculty, artists-in-residence and sessional instructors. They must be appointed at UVic to serve on supervisory committees or supervise graduate students.

Membership is normally granted for the length of their academic appointment to a maximum of 5 years. Membership is renewable. Membership comes with only the privileges that the academic unit recommends and the FGS dean approves. Associate members are normally restricted to co-supervision with a regular member.

Any faculty members who want to supervise students outside their home academic unit must apply for associate membership through the outside unit. This includes regular members of the FGS.

Regular members who have resigned their position at UVic may continue to supervise or co-supervise graduate students if they secure and maintain an adjunct appointment to qualify for associate membership. This includes emeritus professors.


Intended for qualified individuals who do not hold academic appointments at UVic but wish to serve as members on supervisory committees.

Membership is normally granted upon request of the academic unit. Membership lasts either for the duration of study of a particular student or for a maximum of 5 years, if the individual is asked to serve on several student committees. Membership is renewable and comes with only those privileges that the unit recommends and the FGS dean approves.

Affiliate members may only serve on supervisory committees. They may not supervise or co-supervise graduate students.

Regular members who have resigned their position at UVic may continue to serve on supervisory committees under affiliate status. This includes emeritus professors.

Become a member

All members of the FGS must observe the policies and procedures of UVic.

All FGS members who supervise or co-supervise students must hold a current academic appointment with UVic. They must display interest in, commitment to and capabilities for the supervision of graduate students.

Regular and associate members may serve as "inside" members for supervisory committees within their academic unit. They may also serve as "outside" members for supervisory committees in academic units in which they do not hold an appointment in the FGS. Affiliate members may serve as "inside" or "outside" members on supervisory committees.

Appointment to membership in the FGS is made by the dean of the FGS or their designate. Appointments are based on a nomination from the head of the academic unit.

While such appointments will not unreasonably be withheld, the dean may decline to appoint someone if there is not sufficient evidence that they meet the criteria for membership. Criteria for the different levels of FGS members is defined in section 2 of the Faculty of Graduate Studies Membership Policy.

Nomination for membership of the head of an academic unit is made by the dean of the nominee’s faculty. This includes cases where the dean is the head of the academic unit.

recommendation for membership form must be completed and forwarded to the FGS office. The nominee’s current CV and a copy of the appointment form (for associate members only) must also be submitted.

The nominator is responsible for ensuring that the nominee meets all criteria in section 2 of The Faculty of Graduate Studies Membership Policy. If they do not meet the academic unit’s normal expectations for research or graduate supervision, the head of the academic unit must justify the nomination in writing.

The nomination form must indicate any existing or recommended restriction on the length of term or supervisory responsibilities (including for the appointment of regular members). Any restriction on nominees for regular membership must be justified in writing.

Nominees for associate membership who want to supervise graduate students are normally restricted to co-supervision with a regular member as co-supervisor. If the academic unit wants any exceptions, they must be justified in writing.

Affiliate members must accept the terms and conditions of affiliate membership that comes with the letter of appointment from the FGS.

All regular members of the FGS may attend FGS council meetings and take part in debate.

Only graduate advisors or equivalent, ex officio members with voting rights and appointed/elected student representatives may vote at the FGS council.

Only regular members of the FGS are eligible for membership on the Graduate Executive Committee. The chair of the Graduate Students’ Society is a member ex officio.

The decision of the head of an academic unit not to nominate someone for an affiliate appointment is final. It may not be appealed.

If a department or school decides not to nominate someone who wants a regular or associate appointment, they may appeal to the dean of that department or school's faculty.

If a faculty dean decides not to nominate someone who wants membership in the FGS, they may appeal to the dean of the FGS.

While the decision of the dean of the FGS is normally final, the nominator may submit further information for reconsideration by the FGS dean.

If, after reconsideration, the decision of the dean of the FGS is unchanged, the nominator may request the dean form an appeal committee.

This committee will consist of three regular members of the FGS. One member is appointed by the dean of the FGS, one by the appellant, and one mutually agreed upon by the other two members.

The committee will consider only the written materials submitted with the nomination. They will make a recommendation within 15 working days, indicating majority and minority opinions as applicable, to the dean of the FGS. The dean's decision upon consideration of the recommendation(s) will be final.