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Diversity & inclusion supports

In the Faculty of Graduate Studies, all of our work is carried out with the goal of supporting student success.  We aim to be a welcoming space where graduate students of diverse identities, experiences and ideas can thrive.

EDI survey

UVic’s Equity Action Plan identifies our strategies to advance equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI).  One important initiative is to conduct a review of graduate student experiences:  we invite your feedback as we work to foster an inclusive campus with supports that address the diverse needs of the graduate student community.

FGS is conducting an equity-based review of the graduate student experience in spring 2024.  A key component of this review is a survey for graduate students to complete. The survey is now closed.  Thank you to everyone who completed the equity survey.

Next steps in this process are to conduct the focus groups and one-on-one interviews with those who indicated their interest in doing so. Once completed, results of the equity-based review will be shared in a variety of format and locations.

If you have questions about the equity based review you can direct them to fgsadmin@uvic.ca 

Graduate students are vital to the success of the university.  An equitable, diverse, and inclusive graduate student experience is essential to support excellence and innovation in cutting-edge and societally relevant research for the wellbeing of people and the planet.         

Student supports on campus

Centre for Accessible Learning (CAL) works with faculty and students to promote educational accessibility for students with disabilities and chronic health conditions.

(CARSA) provides inclusive and accessible recreation and leisure opportunities and is committed to ensuring full and equal participation for all in our community.

Cooperative Education supports equity, diversity, inclusion and accessibility in cooperative education work terms.

Equity and Human Rights Office (EQHR) provides support for sexualized violence, discrimination, harassment or workplace bullying, and helps implement equity, diversity and inclusion initiatives on campus.

Indigenous Academic and Community Engagement (IACE) provides programs and services to supports Indigenous students, including Indigenous counselling services, Elders in Residence, and LE,NONET Campus Cousins.

International Centre for Students (ICS) is a centralized team providing international services, information and programs for students from pre-arrival to degree completion.

Office of Student Life (OSL) promotes a safer and more inclusive campus community through student leadership, awareness initiatives, support to students experiencing crises or barriers to support, and assistance with non-academic student conduct concerns.

Office of the Ombudsperson is an independent, impartial and confidential resource for student inquiries and complaints.  The Ombudsperson provides information and guidance regarding student rights and responsibilities, advocates for fair procedures on campus, and provides coaching in conflict and communication.

Student Wellness Centre counsellors, nurses, physicians, and spiritual care providers offer a variety of services to support students’ mental, physical and spiritual health.

Communities of support

provides support for students who are the first in their family to attend higher education.

is an inclusive space focused on the needs of self-identified women, non-binary, trans and gender non-conforming folks to organize, network, and access resources.

provides events and programs, manages a student space with services, and advocates for Indigenous student success and wellness at UVic.

(SSD) promotes full participation and inclusion of students at the 番茄社区 who self-identify as having one or more disabilities.

fosters community building and facilitates networking and gatherings for self-identified BIPOC folks.

(GSS) provides services, events, information and advocacy for UVic graduate students.

UVic Global Community provides opportunities and creates space for international and domestic students, staff and faculty to celebrate diversity, foster intercultural connections, and cultivate an inclusive and globally-minded campus.

advocates for Queer/Trans and Two-Spirit students on campus with a mission to build a network of UVic students who believe is systemic change and taking action.

Find more communities of support through the 番茄社区 Students’ Society (UVSS) list of .