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Meet the scholars - 2024

Shima Akar

Portrait photo of UVic Sustainability Scholar Shima Akar

Shima is a PhD candidate in mechanical engineering at the 番茄社区, researching the application of microfluidics in nanomedicine, specifically focusing on synthesizing liposomes for drug delivery and cosmetic applications.

Shima's internship with West Coast Environmental Law & Surfrider focuses on Researching fishing gear pollution types, sources, and supply chains in West Coast fisheries to support policy reform proposals. This project aims to address abandoned, lost, or discarded fishing gear (ALDFG or ghost gears) by analyzing beach clean-up data to identify the major debris types, exploring key actors responsible for these debris through identifying fisheries and gear types, and mapping the supply chain.  The insights gained will form the basis for policy proposals to enhance producer responsibility and advance environmental stewardship. 

Carlos Garcia

Profile picture of sustainability scholar Carlos Garcia smiling with green background

Carlos is an MBA in Sustainable Innovation candidate from Manila, Philippines. He has worked for consumer goods companies such as Monde Nissin, Unilever Philippines, GSK Singapore and now with Arla Canada.

Carlos is collaborating with the UVic Purchasing department to drive sustainable procurement initiatives by developing strategies to expand adaption of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) framework and metrics by internal stakeholders and suppliers of the University. The project is titled: UVic Sustainable Procurement Initiatives: Developing an Implementation Strategy for Supplier Code of Conduct and EcoVadis Supplier Sustainability Assessments. Looking beyond, Carlos aims to accelerate the integration of sustainable and regenerative practices into the mainstream ways of working of both public and private institutions.

Kalpana Jha

Profile picture of smiling UVic Sustainability Scholar, Kalpana Jha

Kalpana Jha is a PHD candidate at the School of Public Administration and a graduate student fellow at Borders In Globalization (BIG). Kalpana's project with Watersheds BC, called Working for Watersheds Roadmap Development Research Project, focuses on understanding the importance of watershed restoration work within the larger Stronger BC Future Action Plan. She is focussing on identifying Effective Programs and Micro-Credentials in developing a Watershed Workforce in British Columbia. 

Mary Stuart

Sustainability Scholar Mary Stuart pictured smiling with a view behind of ocean and mountains

Mary Stuart is a first year MA student in Environmental Studies, specializing in Political Ecology. Her areas of research interest include social movement strategy, climate justice, degrowth, and ecological political economy.

Mary's project with Research for the Frontlines (R4FL) titled, Surveying resistance to extractivism in so-called Canada, aims to research and identify resistance to extractive industries across BC and the country and offer analysis and recommendations for which struggles R4FL should prioritize in offering research support.

Jonathan Simard

Jonathan Simard is a PhD student in the Law & Society Program, working for Somenos Marsh Wildlife Society. Their work examines anthropogenic and biochemical factors influencing growth and spread of an invasive aquatic plant, Myriophyllum Aquaticum (Parrot’s Feather), in Somenos Creek. The project is titled: Researching the invasive aquatic plant, Parrot's Feather, and its relationship with other native and invasive aquatic plant communities in support of the restoration of S'amunu/Somenos Creek fish habitat and access.

Sabrina Francescangeli

UVic Sustainability Scholar, Sabrina Francescangeli, pictured in a forest sitting in front of a waterfall

​Sabrina is a PhD student in the Department of Psychology at UVic. Her research interests center around understanding the connection between nature and well-being, as well as motivating pro-environmental behaviors.

Informed by her prior research experience and knowledge, she is conducting a literature review on species conservation practices used in other urban parks that could be applied at Swan Lake Christmas Hill Nature Sanctuary, with particular interest in what can be done for equity-deserving groups. The project she is working on with Swan Lake is titled: Community-Engaged Care for Rare, Threatened and Endangered Species in an Urban Nature Park. Sabrina will produce a report that will additionally incorporate environmental psychology research on applicable strategies for promoting pro-environmental behaviors and nature engagement.

Julia Weder

Julia Weder, UVic Sustainability Scholar, smiling at a table in a market

Julia is pursuing a Master's of Arts in the Political Ecology stream of Environmental Studies. Her research focuses on settler responsibilities in the decolonization process on Haida Gwaii.

Julia is working on Food independence on Haida Gwaii: fostering resilient food systems through Local Foods 2 School and an All-Islands Food Strategy  where they are collaborating with Local Foods 2 School, the Skidegate Band Council, and Saahlinda Naay/Haida Gwaii Museum to develop an All-Islands Food Policy Framework and Strategic Plan. This has involved researching and creating a community food asset map and finding ways for residents of Haida Gwaii to strengthen the collective social fabric and further disentangle themselves from colonial systems. Julia sees the All-Islands Food Strategy as a key component of this disentanglement – an opportunity to gather, share, and integrate the valuable knowledge of local people into future food pathways that will enhance community resilience.

Akash Mohanty

UVic Sustainability Scholar, Akash Mohanty, smiling and leaning against a UVic electric car.

Akash is pursuing a Master’s in Mechanical Engineering at UVic, and as a part of the Sustainability Scholars internship program, he has had the opportunity to learn sustainability skills and expand professional networks while contributing to UVic’s ambitious climate goals. The project he is working on with UVic Office of Campus Planning & Sustainability focuses on Electrifying UVic’s Fleet – Green Fleet Strategy: identify and create a Green Fleet Strategy specific to UVic's campus-owned fleet vehicles in support of the Climate & Sustainability Action Plan (CSAP).

Sabrina Guzman Skotnitsky

Sustainability Scholar Sabrina Guzman Skotnitsky tabling about the Climate Equity by Design project at the Oaklands Sunset Market on July 3rd

Sabrina Guzman Skotnitsky is a climate justice advocate, artist, researcher and youth consultant. Her graduate research in the Political Ecology Lab at UVic explores how artmaking and dialogue can help young people process climate anxiety and generate active hope. 

Sabrina is collaborating with the Community Social Planning Council on a research project entitled, Climate Equity by Design: A Collaborative Planning Internship, where she has been conducting community engagement in order to create a best practices guide to serve both the CSPC and the city of Victoria in advancing equity-driven climate adaptation.

Matt Britton

Student pictured smiling in front of ocean and cliffs

Matt Britton is a student in the Master of Public Administration program. He is working on a project to develop a conservation and restoration plan for the 20-acre forest managed by the Sandown Centre for Regenerative Agriculture in North Saanich. This project includes mapping the forest, dividing it into zones by vegetation type, conducting stakeholder interviews, identifying priority areas, and recommending actions to address conservation concerns on the site.

Liam Janke

Sustainability Scholar, Liam Janke, pictured smiling with ocean and mountain background

Liam Janke is working towards a PhD in Civil Engineering. His research focuses on climate resilience in rural and remote communities.

Telling the Story of Water Quality in the Cowichan Valley: Supporting sustainable, collaborative decision-making through data review, analysis and crafting the story of watershed health throughout the years is the project that Liam has been collaborating on with the Cowichan Watershed Board. The project involves a comprehensive analysis of the past 10 years of water quality monitoring work in the region, leading to a concise report that describes water quality trends that help tell the story of the watershed's health over this time period.

Natasha Danais

Sustainability Scholar Natasha Danais pictured in front of a white fence with misty hills and lighthouse in the background

Natasha is pursuing a Master's in History with a focus on the Scottish Highland Clearances and Tourism.

Natasha is leading the project Flowing Histories: Mapping the Gorge Waterway Through Time towards a Restored Future with the Gorge Waterway Action Society.This initiative focuses on creating a detailed map of the Gorge Waterway that represents ecologically and culturally significant locations. The map will document historical sites, sources of pollution, and areas of environmental degradation, while also highlighting culturally significant sites for local Indigenous Nations, public access points, key restoration sites, and the diverse local flora and fauna that are integral to the area's ecological health.