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Partner with us

Send us your project ideas

Call for proposals 2025

Pitch us your project and gain access to a diverse pool of talented UVic graduate students ready to contribute their ideas and expertise toward actionable solutions.

We are excited to hear your ideas! Please contact us with your questions and to request a project proposal template.

Program details - what to expect


The internship runs from May 1st to August 15th ~250 hours


Partners pay the Scholar’s salary ($35.50/hour including benefits for 250 hours) to UVic and we manage payroll. However, we also have salary funding available for up to 10 projects (prioritized for not-for-profit, Indigenous, community or non-governmental organizations). If you fit this profile and would like to have your project considered for full funding, please indicate this on the project proposal template.

Preferred projects

Engage with sustainability challenges, broadly defined; offer meaningful and actionable work that will challenge Scholars at a graduate level; have an identified mentor with expertise relevant to the project to guide the Scholar; have deliverables that are manageable within the 250-hour term.

How it works

We will:

  • advertise across UVic to find the right candidates for your project
  • take care of all recruitment-related administration
  • provide Scholar and mentor orientation training
  • support Scholars and mentors throughout project
  • manage payroll for you
  • cover program administration costs

You will:

  • interview from a shortlist of well-qualified candidates, check references, and select the best candidate for your project
  • identify a project mentor with the expertise to guide the project and Scholar
  • pay the Scholar’s salary (see “Funding”)
  • cover any additional project costs (e.g., special software license costs, travel costs, lab tests, equipment rentals, Indigenous honoraria, etc.)

Contact us

Email our Program Manager with questions, to arrange a meeting, or to request a project proposal template.