
National Centre For Indigenous Laws

A rough map of the site, located on the north west corner of the University campus.

The Fraser Expansion Site plan along Ring Road.

A 3D model of the Fraser Expansion site.

Hand made model of the existing Fraser Building site.

The site location can be found at the Fraser Building, located at the intersection where McGill Road meets Ring Road.

The expansion location and footprint provide the following benefits:

  • An enhanced presence along Ring Road
  • Preserve existing mature healthy trees
  • Refresh of the Fraser Building main entry
  • A new Ring Road building entry connects with pedestrian pathways
  • A new courtyard between the existing Fraser Building and the Expansion
  • Directs roof captured rain water to the site stormwater retention low point
  • Maximizes new and refurbished landscaping opportunities
  • Creates various views into the new expansion

The landscape design will incorporate local plant communities with aims to establish a diverse ecosystem around the NCIL.  With this design, the landscape will provide a teaching opportunity for story tellers and First Nations members.

The expansion will also incorporate a set of bike-related upgrades in accordance with Active Transportation [link to campus cycling].  Specifically:

  • 100 new bicycle parking spaces will be added to the current 88 spaces.
  • End of trip facilities will be implemented, including showers, changing rooms and storage.


Sustainability Floor Plans