
Engineering Expansion

A picture of the High Bay Research and Structures Lab, seen from Ring Road.  Building is shaped like a curved box, with the roof and side facing the road covered with Solar Panels.
High Bay Research and Structures Lab, seen from Ring Road

Two structures are being built, an expansion to the ECS (ECSE) and a building to house the High Bay Research and Structures Lab (HBRSL). 

The ECSE will provide new space for Active Learning and an undergraduate computer lab, as well as flex labs for futures research.

The ECSE will feature an accessible roof area, which will function as an open social area with a vegetated green roof.

The HBRSL will support research in dynamic loading and structural member testing for UVic’s Department of Civil Engineering.

The expansion will see the implementation of 591 photovoltaic solar panels that can generate up to 186 MWh of annual energy production.

