
Building services iconBuilding services


Know where to go! Washrooms are located in every building on campus and supported by Custodial Services. Some washrooms are equipped with additional features. Review the searchable list below to find the closest washroom with additional features that suit you best.

Washroom Services

Washrooms are open and available when exterior building doors are open and unlocked. Most university offices are open Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Buildings with libraries, lab facilities and many other services and activities have extended hours of operation. More information is available on the  Campus hours website.

All-gender washrooms

Washrooms should be safe and accessible for everyone, regardless of your gender.   All-gender washrooms  are available in many buildings at UVic.

Free menstrual products

Free pads and tampons are provided as part of a pilot project to support students who may miss class or other academic activities due to a lack of access to menstrual products. Washrooms providing free pads and tampons are located on the first floor of select academic buildings. More locations will be added throughout the pilot project.


All washrooms with showers and change rooms are lockable.  

Here is a map of all the End of Trip Facilities which include showers.