
Calls to Action in 2023

There are five Calls to Action, asking us all to: Listen, Reflect, Dialogue, Engage, and Take Action. Each "call" includes curated ideas on what you can read, watch, and do to continue learning and driving forward action to end discrimination, harassment and sexualized violence in our communities.

Help us build an equity-centred culture together. We do not claim the links provided are exhaustive or complete. You might not agree with all of them or think there are better or more relevant examples. If you have materials that you would like to share with us for the next 5 Days of Action, please send them to .

View the events schedule (including registration links)

Download the calls to action list or review it below.

Monday: Listen


UVic’s Indigenous Plan Xʷkʷənəŋ istəl | W̱ȻENEṈISTEL | Helping to move each other forward was launched September 2023. With local Indigenous teachings and Lək̓ʷəŋən and SENĆOŦEN language woven throughout, this new plan proposes a fundamental rethinking of UVic’s approach to learning and work. Explore ways that we can work together.


Recordings that center black flourishing including this forum on . UVic has signed onto the commitments of the and representatives attended the Inter-Institutional Forum in May 2022 and again in May 2024. While watching, consider ways within your own role(s) to further dialogue on incorporating Black flourishing within academic institutions.


To UVic Libraries’ podcast, , featuring in-depth conversations with Survivors, Elders, Knowledge Keepers and others on seeking truth before reconciliation can begin. This series explores themes that originate from Indigenous knowledge systems and are reinforced by human-rights principles.


To checking in and supporting your friends, co-workers, colleagues and community who are directly and indirectly impacted by local and global violence including the genocide in the Middle East.

  • Provide space to allow for people to process what is happening
  • Ask what kind of support they need during this challenging time
  • Be honest about what you can do, but offer to connect them to who has capacity and expertise
  • Express empathy and kindness
  • Engage and learn about local and global issues from credible sources to identify your role in addressing human rights issues

Tuesday: Reflect


Reputable articles and books on the history of the Middle East, Israel, Palestine as well as other global-scale events that impact human rights. Take the time to practice media literacy and check the source of the information you are consuming. Consider the author, organization or media source before you post, share or comment. 


Videos including those made during UVic’s annual hosted by the Chair of Transgender Studies. Included are presentations from a Two-Spirit Trans+ Panel, a keynote from the Framing Agnes film’s creative team as well as a talk by Julia Serano on “Balancing Acts and Bottom-Up Approaches to Trans Activism”.


On what additional programs are needed on campus to support our shared vision of inclusion and belonging. Students, staff and faculty have an opportunity to initiate their own programs and courses.

Students can get support for student-led initiatives and events by visiting the Student Life Grant webpage to apply for grant funding to enhance student life at UVic focused on anti-racism or community engagement.

Faculty and staff can apply once a year to the . This fund provides support to design new courses and create new materials for existing courses or substantially revise courses, programs and curriculum or learning resources that will help fulfill UVic’s commitment to anti-racism and the values of equity, diversity, inclusion and belonging as set out in the UVic Strategic Plan and the Equity Action Plan


To learning your role in both preventing and responding to sexualized violence on campus.

Students can take UVic’s Sexualized Violence Prevention workshop Tools for Change to learn about how UVic defines sexualized violence, how to meaningfully practice consent, receive a disclosure and where to get support. Visit the on campus for peer support, to attend a workshop and volunteer.

Faculty, staff and librarians can learn their responsibilities regarding sexualized violence prevention. Sessions can be provided to departments, units, offices and students through the Sexualized Violence Resource Office in EQHR. Incorporate the principles of consent and sexualized violence prevention into curriculum, group assignments and projects, shared lab and learning spaces, and experiential learning opportunities.

Wednesday: Dialogue


UVic’s Accessibility Plan and how to take action. The plan prioritizes a campus-wide audit of accessibility at UVic, ways to educate others to create access-centred environments, and a system to continually collect feedback. Review the list of accessibility resources so you’re informed if you or someone you know requires support.


Recorded stories from , a large-scale work of art combining hundreds of reclaimed items from residential schools, churches, government buildings, and traditional and cultural structures from across what we colonial call Canada. The stories share the voices of Survivors who talk about the experience of being forced into residential schools. Their generous and insightful stories convey the reality of anti-Indigenous racism, colonialism and genocide. They reveal the ongoing harms caused by Canada’s residential school system.


Engage in conversations with people who hold different viewpoints and faiths from your own; express curiosity while remaining respectful of people’s comfort levels and boundaries. Add to your calendar UVic’s list of religious observances to be mindful of upcoming religious holidays. Consider providing accommodations to your event(s) or course schedule(s) when requested.


By completing the Better Data Questionnaire. This questionnaire asks all members at UVic to answer questions related to their personal identity so we have an accurate representation of who learns and works at UVic. The information will be used to inform inclusive action across UVic.

Thursday: Engage


UVic’s info for 2SLGBTQIA+ community for available resources and initiatives that support 2SLGBTQIA+ members on campus and the broader community. Equity and Human Rights offers resources on how to be an ally to trans, Two-Spirit and non-binary people. Resources are available on using gender-inclusive language, using the pronouns and names people ask you to use, and learning about the services offered to trans people on and off campus. 


Three videos created by staff at UVic for 5 Days of Action on how to:

Use an for your documents




Creating accessible spaces benefit people with disabilities and those who may have a lot on the go. You can also visit the web guide on how to host .


Follow and sign up for events hosted by groups on campus, including but not limited to:



To providing equity-centered learning environments. Infuse practices and explore the resources in Creating Equity-Centered Learning Environments: Resource for Group Facilitators & Service Providers.

Friday: Take Action


. The guide offers an expansive list of resources that you can use to further your learning and practice. Explore topics that you’re curious to learn more about to become an ally.


and commit to his 360-hour benchmark for developing diversity and inclusion literacy. To support equity and inclusion, organizational leaders need to become aware of how the dynamics of power, privilege and marginality intersect with social identities, starting with themselves and then extending the awareness to others in the organization including stakeholders. Participants will learn how predominant the unconscious mind is in human interactions and how this contributes to micro-inequities and structural discrimination. The presentation is available for everyone to view from now until November 17.

Take Action

Review UVic’s Equity Action Plan and explore the implementation guide & toolkit that relate to your role(s) on campus as a student, employee, educator, researcher, and/or campus leader. Implement some of the suggested actions and once you do, consider sharing your good ideas with everyone by adding them to the list of community actions.


To creating an environment in which everyone has the right to learn, work, live and play in an environment that is free from discrimination, harassment and sexualized violence. Acts of discrimination, harassment and sexualized violence are rooted in intersecting systemic oppressions and certain groups disproportionately experience discrimination and violence.

Commit to applying anti-oppressive practices. Sign up for EQHR’s Anti-oppression Education Program. Education and creating change are a shared responsibility. Anti-oppression work should not be done solely by those who have been negatively impacted by systemic barriers. The program calls on all UVic community members to engage in anti-oppression action-based frameworks to effectively change systemic attitudes and practices.

365 Days of Commitment

365 Days of Commitment

  • Join one of the future events listed on the 5 Days of Action schedule.
  • Sign up to the Equity Action Plan mailing list to stay updated on the action progress, events and outcomes.
  • If you are an employee, consider engaging in further learning by signing up for the UVic Citizen Series (Employee Learning Program).
  • Consider reaching out to the Equity and Human Rights office to ask about hosting a workshop for your group.
  • Ensure that you stay updated with new University plans so we can use the University's strategic directions to enact social change when challenged or faced with resistance.