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Project seeks to collect better diversity data on campus

October 18, 2022

Submitted on behalf of Equity and Human Rights.

Launched this September, the Better Data Project aims to improve the collection of disaggregated demographic data at UVic. By setting up ethical data governance practices and rectifying shortcomings with UVic’s current self-identification data collection and management methods, the project hopes to identify areas of underrepresentation and address barriers to equity for populations across the UVic community.

The details

A community-informed data governance structure will be developed this fall and will then be applied to (1) redesign and relaunch the Employment Equity Survey and to (2) develop an equity census for students. Both steps will provide the campus community with an opportunity to self-identify across a range of demographic factors and provide us with an understanding of who makes up the UVic community. Importantly, the work being done is guided by key equity data collection principles set forward by topic experts and guiding policy documents (e.g., ).

The revised Employment Equity Survey will be available by March 2023 and the Student Equity Census will be launched in September 2023. 

The Better Data project is being led by Equity and Human Rights in consultation with Academic Resource Planning, Human Resources, Faculty Relations, and the Office of the Registrar.

Learn more

Contact Braeden McKenzie, Equity Data and Research Analyst in EQHR at eqhrdata@uvic.ca