
Megan Wood

Megan Wood
Sooke School District 62

Bachelor of Education, Secondary Post-Degree Professional Program (2015)

Megan has held a variety of teaching and support roles in her career so far, each contributing to her teaching style and philosophy. She completed a semester of International Student Support; a year of Indigenous Education support, advocacy and community connection; and a year of English classes, including a cohort model for students requiring greater wrap-around support. This year, she will be teaching similar English classes, as well as being part of a collaborative team providing the new Career-Life Education.

The PDPP education program at UVic pushed me to start carving out my own approach to teaching and ideals; it encouraged the attitude needed to continually strive for those ideals with courage, excitement and humility. As well, the cohort model of the program was and is a huge part of my success as a teacher: to live the importance of peer connection and classroom security, to realize the benefits of colleague collaboration and support, and to gain lifelong friends.