
Lindsay Cavanaugh

Lindsay Cavanaugh
Research Assistant
Indigenous Policy & Engagement Branch, Ministry of Advanced Education, Skills & Training

Bachelor of Education (2015), MA in Educational Studies (2017-present)

Lindsay is passionate about queering and Indigenizing schools. She has taught on call with the Greater Victoria School District, Maria Montessori Academy in BC, and full-time in a remote Anishinaabe Oji-Cree community in Northern Ontario. Besides teaching in the traditional sense, she has worked as a contract learning programmer with the Royal BC Museum & Legacy Art Galleries.

Her SSHRC-funded Master’s project, the “Queering Schools Collective,” strives to bring together local activist-minded educators to disrupt normative thinking around gender and sexuality (hetero/cisnormativity) in their respective teaching environments.

She intends to pursue a PhD in educational studies and hopes to work in the realm of teacher education, academia and educational policy work.

UVic’s holistic, and social-justice minded Post Degree in Secondary Teaching Program was such a great fit for me. Not only did I connect with wonderful faculty and make lasting friendships with my PDPP cohort, I had the opportunity to do a research project about queer-affirming learning spaces during my teaching degree, which fuelled my desire to continue with further studies. I strongly recommend doing a teaching degree or educational studies at UVic, especially if you are a (future) educator who like to challenge the status quo.