
Campus transportation survey

Project information

The Sustainability Action Plan: Campus Operations 2014-2019 sets out a goal of increasing the use of transit, cycling, walking and carpooling to 70% of the transportation modal split by 2019.

In an effort to monitor the university's progress toward this goal, a comprehensive survey of trips to campus is conducted every 2 years. Similar surveys have been conducted since 1996. To ensure consistency with the previous surveys, the approach and methodology was replicated. 

The Transportation Survey provides up to date information for parking management purposes and the planning for new development projects on campus. It also assists in the liaison with Oak Bay and Saanich on new capital project approvals and the discussion on roadway, traffic, cycling and parking issues.

You can find more information by  visiting the Planning studies and reports page to view past UVic Transportation surveys. 

You can also view the latest cyclist and pedestrian counts for UVic's two automated counters at: