
Campus cellphone service improvement project

Bob Wright Building
Bob Wright Building

Project completion 

The 番茄社区 worked with Rogers Communications to improve cellphone service throughout all areas of the campus. The new Rogers cell antennas became operational in December 2015. 

Project information

The project involved the placement of new cellphone antennas by Rogers Communications Inc. on the roof of the Bob Wright Centre building. The new antennas supplement the existing communications infrastructure and will improve wireless service, with particular improvements to the south and east sides of campus. 

The project was designed to meet all regulatory approvals, including safety requirements, as set out by Industry Canada, and will address any radio frequency interference and other technical issues. 

For more information contact cellular.info@uvic.ca 

In June 2013, representatives from UVic, Rogers, TELUS, Bell and Standard Land Company Inc., as agents to Rogers, were available to answer questions and receive comments during a campus open house. 

  • 15 people dropped in to the session, primarily from the campus community., i.e., staff/faculty/students
  • Comments/questions related to an interest in supporting needed improvements to cellphone service on campus, with no negative feedback
  • The need to address any potential impacts to radio wave research activities on campus was referenced
  • Two neighbourhood resident inquiries were received on whether the project would improve cellphone service in Cadboro Bay

The Community Engagement Framework report provides for a consistent methodology to be used to determine the overall approach to an engagement program for campus land use planning and development projects. An engagement approach in the inform category has been determined for this project, based on the nature of the project relative to the criteria listed and a review of the likely impacts. Table 4.1 - Engagement Approach Criteria (see green highlighting). 

A summary of the June 2013 open house can be viewed through the documents tab.