
Campus Cycling Plan

campus cycling plan network map
Cycling network improvement areas

UVic's Campus Cycling Plan

The 2019 Campus Cycling Plan provides a comprehensive and coordinated approach to support cycling as a safe, enjoyable and convenient mode of transportation on campus for students, faculty, staff and visitors.

The plan is a guide for future cycling infrastructure, including bicycle parking, cycling paths, showers and change rooms on campus, as well as providing policy direction on strategies to improve levels of comfort and safety on shared paths and roads.

campus cycling plan title page

Purpose and Objectives


This Campus Cycling Plan is a key outcome of the UVic Campus Plan, which was completed in 2016. For more information on the Campus Plan, visit the Campus Plan webpage

Through the Campus Plan process, several concerns regarding cycling were identified. These have been grouped into the following four broad areas of improvement:

  • Cycling connections leading to and from the campus core;
  • Ring Road (cycling infrastructure and safety);
  • End-of-trip facilities (bike parking facilities, change rooms, storage lockers, etc.); and
  • Cycling and pedestrian congestion and interaction points.

The Campus Cycling Plan was initiated to address concerns and identify key policies and network improvements that would enhance the functionality and safety of cycling on campus. 

This plan outlines a 10-year strategy for improving cycling on the UVic campus and reaching this target through key policy and network improvements


  • A key objective of this plan is to increase the cycling mode share from 7.7% of all trips in 2016 to 10% of all trips in the future.


The Campus Cycling Plan was developed based on extensive input from students, faculty, staff and visitors to the campus. The planning process was launched in the fall of 2017 and was developed in three phases:


Phase 1 – Consult and Idea Generation

  • Involved initial engagement activities, an online survey, establishing advisory committees and stakeholder groups, and collecting and reviewing background data.

Phase 2 – Plan Development

  • Involved ongoing engagement and meetings with advisory committees and stakeholder groups, a review of initial findings, developing bicycle network improvement options, and establishing policy options and recommendations.

Phase 3 – Finalizing Campus Cycling Plan

  • Involved preparing the draft plan and implementation strategy,
    conducting final meetings and engagement events, and preparing the final plan.

Planning Principles

Based on input from the campus community, five bicycle planning principles were developed to guide Plan:

  1. Create a campus where students, staff, faculty, and visitors can safely ride their bicycles no matter where they are headed on campus
  2. Create a bicycle-friendly campus that will help achieve the transportation goals set out in the Campus Plan and the Sustainability Action Plan - working towards increasing the use of transit, cycling, walking, and carpooling to 70% of all trips to campus by increasing the cycling mode share to 10%
  3. Work towards the development of an All Ages and Abilities (AAA) cycling network by creating new and enhanced cycling infrastructure on campus, including bicycle connections, bicycle parking, and end-of-trip facilities
  4. Plan cycling network and facility improvements in a way that supports a balanced and connected multi-modal transportation system
  5. Improve levels of safety and comfort for pedestrians and cyclists on shared pathways across campus

Key Strategies

Based on the five bicycle planning principles, four key strategies were identified to guide the implementation of the plan’s policy recommendations and cycling network improvements. These four strategies represent key considerations for the implementation of the plan, including:


Community engagement

The Campus Cycling Plan was developed over a one-year period between the fall of 2017 and fall of 2018. Community engagement events and meetings with key stakeholders were held throughout the process, including two online surveys, numerous pop-up engagements, promotional events, and several meetings with an Internal Advisory Team and a Technical Advisory Team

For further information, two discussion papers were developed at the end of Phases 1 and 2, respectively. These discussion papers provide a detailed summary of the community discussions and engagement activities that took place in the first two phases of the plan’s development. These can be found in the "Documents" section below. 

Phase 1

Phase 1

  • Launched in fall 2017 and was designed to build awareness and interest for the Campus Cycling Plan, as well as to better understand current travel patterns, bicycle use, and challenges and opportunities for cycling.
  • Through the first round of engagement, there were approximately 2,000 interactions with members of the campus community through campus engagement activities and an online survey
  • With the findings from Phase 1, the project team developed concepts to improve the safety and connectivity of the cycling network. Feedback was also used to identify locations with high demand for improved end-of-trip facilities.


Phase 2

Phase 2

  • Took place in the winter of 2018 and was designed to obtain input on preliminary content for the Campus Cycling Plan.
  • Focused on gathering feedback on proposed bicycle network improvements, campus cycling policies, and end-of-trip facility recommendations.
  • The second round of engagement saw interactions with approximately 1,200 members of the campus community
  • The feedback collected was used to refine cycling network improvements, campus cycling policies, and approaches for improving end-of-trip facilities.


Phase 3

Phase 3

  • The third phase of the engagement process took place on October 10, 2018.
  • The draft Campus Cycling Plan was presented in an open house format in the University Centre lobby and feedback was collected on the four key strategies provided in the plan
  • The public open house attracted approximately 100 attendees representing UVic students, staff and faculty.
  • The plan was also available on the UVic Campus Planning website during October 2018 to encourage feedback from the greater campus and neighbouring communities.
  • Stakeholder meetings were also held with the Internal and Technical Advisory Teams, as well as the Campus Planning Committee and Cycling Advisory Committee to confirm final plan directions
  • This round of engagement provided comprehensive feedback on the plan, which allowed the project team to refine policies and concepts for the final
    plan’s adoption

Students, faculty, and staff at the Phase 3 Engagement Lab at the University Centre lobby


Engagement Framework

UVic's Community Engagement Framework report provides for a consistent methodology to be used to determine the overall approach to an engagement program for campus land use planning and development plans and projects. For more information visit the Community engagement framework page.

An engagement approach, primarily in the 'involve' category has been determined for this plan based on its scale, potential and future improvements to the transportation network, nature relative to the criteria listed and its review of the likely improvements.

Learn more

Background information

What we heard during the Campus Plan process (2015-2016)

In 2016, UVic renewed its Campus Plan. The plan sets out a vision for the physical development of the campus over the next 10 years with longer term considerations given for the next 25 years. The plan’s direction is organized around a vision, open space framework, built form framework and mobility framework.

In developing the plan, UVic undertook broad public consultation with the campus community and neighbouring residents. Through the planning process, members of the campus community raised concerns with respect to bicycle-vehicle and bicycle-pedestrian conflicts. Cyclist-vehicle conflicts were primarily identified to be of concern on the main approach roads to campus and Ring Road, while concerns regarding cyclist-pedestrian conflicts were primarily identified in the academic core of campus, on pedestrian-oriented lands located within Ring Road.

These conflicts also persist, particularly at peak travel times, on several multi-modal pathways that connect the university to adjoining neighborhoods. Upon completion of the Campus Plan, the Campus Planning Committee established an implementation strategy that identified the development of a Campus Cycling Plan as a high priority.

UVic's transportation modal split

The development of a Campus Cycling Plan is a key action item outlined in both UVic’s Sustainability Action Plan (2014-2019) and Campus Plan (2016).

Importantly, the development of a Campus Cycling Plan supports the Sustainability Action Plan’s goal of increasing the use of transit, cycling, walking and carpooling to 70% of the transportation modal split by 2019.

UVic’s Campus Plan also supports the Sustainability Action Plan’s ambitious mode share target, as well as the goals and actions to achieve this outcome. As of 2018, the current level of transit, cycling, walking and carpooling transportation use is 63%.

You can find more information by visiting the Campus traffic survey webpage to learn about the latest traffic survey or by visiting the Planning studies and reports page to view past UVic Traffic Surveys. 


Active transportation and UVic's role

Active transportation is any form of human‐powered transportation. Walking and cycling are the most popular and well known forms of active transportation; although, skateboarding, wheeling, in-line skating, using a mobility aid are other forms as well. Active Transportation is any active trip you make (humann powered) to get yourself, or others, from one place to another ‐ whether it’s to work, school, the store or to visit with friends.

Active transportation can help reduce automobile dependence and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, increase physical activity, improve public health outcomes, increase social connections, and reduce infrastructure demands in the long term.

UVic has made significant progress in expanding and improving conditions for cycling in recent years through a variety of programs and facilities:

  • New bicycle parking facilities including Class I and Class II facilities
  • End-of-trip facilities, including showers and lockers which vary on a building-by-building basis
  • The Campus Bike Centre offers 234 Class I bicycle parking spaces as well as bicycle lockers, clothing lockers and a bike kitchen
  • The BikeHub program, turning old bikes into like-new bikes
  • Annual sponsorship of and participation in the Greater Victoria Bike to Work Week
  • Short-term bike lock loan program at McPherson and Law libraries
  • Bicycle registration program with Campus Security Services (free of charge)
  • Cycling amenities maps
  • Focused social-media and cycling campaigns promoting safe cycling behavior on campus
  • Bicycle related resources on a dedicated cycling page


The Campus Cycling Plan was awarded the 2019 Award for Planning Excellence Merit in the New and Emerging Planning Initiatives category. 


Project Updates

To see updates on the implementation of the Campus Cycling Plan, please visit the Campus Cycling Plan Implementation page.