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Minimum admission requirements for international students

International students must have the minimum qualifications for your country or curriculum (see below) and meet the specific requirements for your program. You must also demonstrate a high level of academic achievement.

If the country where you're currently studying requires students to write graduation exams and/or entrance exams for admission to university, you'll be asked to submit those results as a condition of your admission offer. We'll also accept SAT, ACT, or AP exam results in place of university entrance exams.

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  • Afghanistan

    • Grade 12 Graduation Certificate (Baccalauria/Baccalaureate Certificate)
  • Albania

    • One year of post-secondary studies at a recognized university
  • Algeria

    • Baccalauréat de l'Enseignement Secondaire
  • Angola

    • One year of post-secondary studies at a recognized university.
  • Antigua and Barbuda

    • See Commonwealth Caribbean
  • Argentina

    • Bachillerato
  • Armenia

    • Attestat o srednem obrazovanii (at Grade 11)
  • Australia

    • ACT: Year 12 Certificate / Tertiary Entrance Statement
    • NSW: Higher School Certificate / T.E. scores
    • NT: SACE Certificate / N.T. Year 12
    • QLD: Senior Certificate / T.E. scores
    • SA: Year 12 Certificate of Achievement / SACE Certificate / Higher Education Entrance Score
    • TAS: Tasmanian Certificate of Education / T.E. score
    • VIC: Victorian Certificate of Education / T.E. rank
    • WA: Certificate of Secondary Education / T.E. scores
  • Austria

    • Reifeprüfung ("Matura") from an Allgemeinbildende höhere Schulen
  • Azerbaijan

    • Tam Orta Təhsil Haqqında Attestat (Certificate of Complete Secondary Education)
  • Bahamas

    • 12 years of schooling, a combination of CXC and/or British G.C.S.E. examinations; see also United Kingdom and Commonwealth; U.S.A.
  • Bahrain

    • Tawjahiya
  • Bangladesh

    • Higher Secondary Certificate
  • Barbados

    • See Commonwealth Caribbean
  • Belarus

    • See Azerbaijan
  • Belgium

    • Certificat d'Enseignement Secondaire Supérieur / Getuigschrift van Hoger Secundair Onderwijs; Diplôme d'Aptitude à Accéder à l'Enseignement Supérieur / Bekwaamheidsdiploma dat Toegang verleent tot het Hoger Onderwijs
  • Belize

    • See Commonwealth Caribbean
  • Benin

    • Baccalaureat
  • Bermuda

    • 12 years of schooling, Bermuda Secondary School Certificate or British G.C.S.E. examinations; see also United Kingdom and Commonwealth; U.S.A.
  • Bhutan

    • Indian School Certificate (Class XII)
  • Bolivia

    • Bachillerato
  • Bosnia-Herzegovina

    • Matura and proof of admissibility to a university in Bosnia-Herzegovina
  • Botswana

    • One year of post-secondary studies at the University of Botswana
    • Your requirements are the same as students in the United Kingdom and Commonwealth, which are found on individual program pages
  • Brazil

    • Certificado de Conclusao de Ensino Medio
  • Brunei Darussalam

    • Brunei Matriculation Examination/Brunei-Cambridge G.C.E. "A" level
  • Bulgaria

    • Diploma za Zavarsheno Sredno Obrazovanie
  • Burkina Faso

    • Baccalaureat/ Diplome de Bachelier de l'Enseignement de Second Degre
  • Burma

    • See Myanmar
  • Burundi

    • One year of post-secondary studies at the University of Burundi
  • Cambodia

    • Diploma of Upper Secondary Education
  • Cameroon

    • Cameroonian G.C.E. "O" and "A" levels
    • Baccalauréat
  • Central African Republic

    • Baccalaureat/Diplome de Bachelier de l'Enseignement de Second Degre
  • Chad

    • Baccalaureat
  • Chile

    • Licencia de Education Media
  • China (PRC)

    • See program pages for admission requirements for applicants studying in the Chinese educational system
  • Colombia

    • Bachillerato plus one year of post-secondary studies at a recognized university
  • Commonwealth Caribbean

    • The Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC) Secondary Education Certificate and a Preliminary Year at the University of the West Indies
    • Or the G.C.S.E. and G.C.E. "A" Level examinations
    • Your requirements are the same as students in the United Kingdom and Commonwealth, which are found on individual program pages
  • Congo

    • Baccalaureat
  • Costa Rica

    • One year of post-secondary studies at a recognized university
  • Croatia

    • Matura
    • Proof of admissibility to a university in Croatia
  • Cuba

    • Pre-university course
    • National competitive exam
  • Cyprus

    • Apolytirion of Lykeion
    • Lise Bitirme Diplomasi
  • Czech Republic

    • Maturitni Zkouùska ("Maturita")
  • Denmark

    • Studentereksamen
    • Hojere Forberedelseseksamen
    • Hojere Handelseksamen
    • Hojere Teknisk Eksamen
  • Dominica

    • See Commonwealth Caribbean
  • Dominican Republic

    • Baccalaureat
  • Ecuador

    • Baccalaureat
  • Egypt

    • 1995 on: One year of post-secondary studies at a recognized university
    • Before 1995: Thanawiya A'ama
  • El Salvador

    • Baccalaureat
    • Entrance Exam
  • Eritrea

    • One year of post-secondary studies at a recognized university
  • Estonia

    • Secondary School Certificate (at Grade 12); see U.S.S.R. (former)
  • Ethiopia

    • Ethiopian General Secondary Education Certificate (EGSECE) and
    • Ethiopian Higher Education Entrance Examination (EHEEE)
  • Fiji

    • Form 7 Examination (5 separate subjects)
    • See also New Zealand
  • Finland

    • Ylioppilastutkinto
    • Studentexamen
  • France

    • Baccalauréat de l'Enseignement du Second Degré
    • Baccalauréat Général
    • Baccalauréat Technologique
    • Diplome de Bachelier de l'Enseignement du Second Degré
  • Gabon

    • Baccalaureat
  • Gambia

    • See West Africa
  • Georgia

    • Attestat o srednem obrazovanii (at Grade 11)
  • Germany

    • Abitur / Reifezeugnis
  • Ghana

    • Senior Secondary Certificate Examinations and
    • University Entrance Exam
  • Gibraltar

    • Your requirements are the same as students in the United Kingdom and Commonwealth, which are found on individual program pages
  • Greece

    • Apolytirion of Lykeion
    • General Entrance Examination
  • Grenada

    • See Commonwealth Caribbean
  • Guatemala

    • One year of post-secondary studies at a recognized university
  • Guinea

    • Baccalaureat (2eme partie)
  • Guyana

    • See Commonwealth Caribbean
  • Haiti

    • Baccalaureat II (Philosophie)
  • Honduras

    • One year of post-secondary studies at a recognized university
  • Hong Kong

    As of 2012:

    • The Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) with 4 core subjects plus 2 additional elective subjects from Category A and/or C relevant to the requested program
    • A minimum overall average grade of Level 4 is required for consideration

    Before 2012:

    • The Hong Kong Advanced Level Examinations/Certificate (HKALE)/
    • See also United Kingdom and Commonwealth.
    • Passes in examinations at the Advanced Level are considered as equivalent to passes in the G.C.E. at the Advanced Level. Grades of D and E are not acceptable.
    • Candidates who hold a Diploma or Higher Diploma with a minimum of 70%/B/3.00 standing from the City Polytechnic of Hong Kong, The Hong Kong Baptist College, Hong Kong Polytechnic or Lingnan College may also apply; see also United Kingdom and Commonwealth.
  • Hungary

    • Erettsegi / Matura
  • Iceland

    • Studentsprof from gymnazium
  • India

    • See individual program pages for admission requirements for applicants studying in the Indian educational system
  • Indonesia

    • After 1993: Surat Tanda Tamat Belajar S.M.A.
    • Up to 1993: Ijazah S.M.A. (Sekolah Menengah Atas)
  • Iran

    • Diploma Metevaseth
    • National High School Diploma (after 12 years) or Pre-university year
  • Iraq

    • Sixth Form Baccalaureat
  • Ireland (Northern)

    • Your requirements are the same as students in the United Kingdom and Commonwealth, which are found on individual program pages
  • Ireland (Republic)

    • Leaving Certificate
    • National Diploma (of the N.C.E.A.)
  • Israel

    • Bagrut / Mechina
  • Italy

    • Diploma di Esame di Stato
  • Ivory Coast

    • Baccalaureat
  • Jamaica

    • See Commonwealth Caribbean
  • Japan

    • Kotogakko Sotsugyo Shomeisho (academic curriculum) OR
    • Second Year at a recognized junior college with 70% ("B") overall
  • Jordan

    • Tawjihi
  • Kazakhstan

    • Svidetel'stvo/o Srednem Obrazovanii and above average results on the Unified National Test
  • Kenya

    • Kenyan Certificate of Secondary Education
  • Korea, North

    • One year of post-secondary studies at a recognized university
  • Korea, South

    • Inmungye Kodung Hakkyo Choeupchang
  • Kuwait

    • Shahadat-al-thanawia-al-a'ama (General Secondary School Certificate)
  • Kyrgyzstan

    • See Azerbaijan
  • Laos

    • One year of post-secondary studies at a recognized university
  • Latvia

    • Atestats par visparejo videjo izglitibu (Attestation of General Secondary Education)
  • Lebanon

    • Lebanese Baccalauréat (part II) in those years in which the government examinations were offered
    • Students who completed school in 1976, 1978, 1985 or 1987-1990 (the years in which the government examinations were not offered) will have to present one year of post-secondary studies at a recognized university
  • Lesotho

    • One year of post-secondary studies at the National University of Lesotho
    • Your requirements are the same as students in the United Kingdom and Commonwealth, which are found on individual program pages
  • Liberia

    • One year of post-secondary studies at a recognized university
  • Libya

    • General Secondary Certificate
  • Liechtenstein

    • Matura Certificate (Type B or E)
  • Lithuania

    • Secondary School Diploma
  • Luxembourg

    • Diplôme de Fin d'Etudes Secondaires
  • Macao / Macau

    • University of Macao's Pre-university Program
    • See also Portugal, Hong Kong, Taiwan, U.S.A., United Kingdom and Commonwealth
  • Macedonia

    • (Skopje) Matura/ Secondary Leaving Diploma and
    • Proof of admissibility to a university in Macedonia
  • Madagascar

    • Baccalaureat de l'Enseignement du Second Degre
  • Malawi

    • Malawi School Certificate of Education
    • Your requirements are the same as students in the United Kingdom and Commonwealth, which are found on individual program pages
  • Malaysia

    • Sijil Tinggi Persekolahan Malaysia (STPM)
    • MICSS Unified Examination Certificate (UEC)
  • Mali

    • Mali Baccalaureat
  • Malta

    • University of Malta Advanced Matriculation
    • Your requirements are the same as students in the United Kingdom and Commonwealth, which are found on individual program pages
  • Mauritania

    • Diplôme de Bachelier de l'Enseignement du Second Degré (Baccalauréat)
  • Mauritius

    • Your requirements are the same as students in the United Kingdom and Commonwealth, which are found on individual program pages
  • Mexico

    • Bachillerato with a minimum 8.0/10.0 on the overall final three years' grades
  • Moldova

    • Attestat o srednem obrazovanii (at Grade 11)
  • Mongolia

    • A five-year post-secondary diploma
  • Montserrat

    • See Commonwealth Caribbean
  • Morocco

    • Baccalauréat de l'Enseignement Secondaire
  • Mozambique

    • Certificado de Habilitacoes Literarias (Secondary School Leaving Certificate)
  • Myanmar

    • One year of post-secondary studies at a recognized university
  • Namibia

    • See South Africa
    • Your requirements are the same as students in the United Kingdom and Commonwealth, which are found on individual program pages
  • Nepal

    • Proficiency Certificate awarded by Tribhuvan University
  • Netherlands

    • VWO (Voorbereidend Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs) Certificate
  • New Zealand

    • National Certificate of Educational Achievement (Level 3)
  • Nicaragua

    • One year of post-secondary studies at a recognized university
  • Niger

    • Baccalaureat / Diploma de Bachelier de l'Enseignement du Second Degre
  • Nigeria

    • Senior School Certificate
  • Norway

    • Vitnemal fra den Videregaende Skole / Examen Artium
  • Oman

    • Thanawiya Amma
  • Pakistan

    • Intermediate Certificate or
    • Higher Secondary School Certificate
  • Palestine

    • One year of post-secondary studies at a recognized university
  • Panama

    • Bachillerato
  • Papua New Guinea

    • Higher School Certificate
  • Paraguay

    • Bachillerato
  • Peru

    • Certificado de Educacion Secundaria Comun Completa (Certificate of Completed General Secondary Education) and
    • One year of post-secondary studies at a recognized university
  • Philippines

    • If you graduated from high school on or after April 2018:
      • Senior high school (K-12 system) diploma
    • If you graduated from high school before April 2018:
      • Two years of post-secondary studies at a recognized university
  • Poland

    • Matura / Swiadectwo Dojrzalosci
  • Portugal

    • Certificado de fim de Estudos Secundários and, since 1993, Prova de Afericao and Provas Especificas
  • Puerto Rico

    • High School Graduation Diploma
    • See U.S.A.
  • Qatar

    • Al-Thanawaya Al-Amah (General Secondary Certificate Examination)
  • Romania

    • Diploma de Baccalaureat
  • Russia

    • Attestat o srednem obrazovanii (at Grade 11)
  • Rwanda

    • Certificate des Humanities
  • Saint Christopher and Nevis

    • See Commonwealth Caribbean
  • Saint Lucia

    • See Commonwealth Caribbean
  • Saint Vincent and The Grenadines

    • See Commonwealth Caribbean
  • Saudi Arabia

    • Tawjihiyah
  • Scotland

    • Scottish Certificate of Education at the Higher Level (4 subjects)
    • Your requirements are the same as students in the United Kingdom and Commonwealth, which are found on individual program pages
  • Senegal

    • Bachelier de l'Enseignement du Second Degre / Baccalaureat
  • Seychelles

    • Your requirements are the same as students in the United Kingdom and Commonwealth, which are found on individual program pages
  • Sierra Leone

    • Senior School Certificate Examination
    • Your requirements are the same as students in the United Kingdom and Commonwealth, which are found on individual program pages
  • Singapore

    • Singapore / Cambridge G.C.E. Ordinary and Advanced Level Examinations
    • Your requirements are the same as students in the United Kingdom and Commonwealth, which are found on individual program pages
  • Slovak Republic

    • Maturitnej Skuske ("Maturita")
  • Slovenia

    • Matura
  • Solomon Islands

    • University of the South Pacific Foundation Year
  • Somalia

    • One year of post-secondary studies at the Somali National University
  • South Africa

    • Senior Certificate of South African Certification Council
    • Before 1992: Matriculation Certificate (of the J.M.B.)
  • Spain

    • Titulo de Bachillerato
  • Sri Lanka

    • Sri Lankan Advanced Level Examinations (in three subjects)
  • Sudan

    • Sudan School Certificate
  • Surinam

    • W.O. Certificate
  • Swaziland

    • One year of post-secondary studies at the University of Swaziland
    • Your requirements are the same as students in the United Kingdom and Commonwealth, which are found on individual program pages
  • Sweden

    • Avgangsbetyg / Studentexamen / Slutbetyg
  • Switzerland

    • Maturitätszeugnis / Certificat de Maturité / Baccalauréat / Attestato di Maturità
  • Syria

    • Al Shahada al Thanawiya / Baccalaureat
  • Taiwan

    • Senior Secondary School Diploma
  • Tajikistan

    • Attestat o srednem obrazovanii (at Grade 11)
  • Tanzania

    • Certificate of Secondary Education and Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education
    • Your requirements are the same as students in the United Kingdom and Commonwealth, which are found on individual program pages
  • Thailand

    • Matayom / M6 (Certificate of Secondary Education – academic/general stream)
  • Togo

    • Baccalaureat
  • Tonga

    • Tonga National Form 7
    • AND New Zealand University Entrance, Bursaries and Scholarship Examinations
    • OR University of the South Pacific Foundation Year
  • Trinidad and Tobago

    • See Commonwealth Caribbean
  • Tunisia

    • Baccalauréat
  • Turkey

    • Devlet Lise Diplomasi / Lise Bitirme Diplomasi
  • Turkmenistan

    • Attestat o srednem obrazovanii (at Grade 11)
  • Uganda

    • Ugandan Certificate of Education and Advanced Certificate of Education
    • Your requirements are the same as students in the United Kingdom and Commonwealth, which are found on individual program pages
  • Ukraine

    • Atestat pro Povnu Zagal'nu Sersdniu Osvitu (at Grade 12)
    • Attestat o srednem obrazovanii (at Grade 11)
  • United Arab Emirates

    • Tawjihiyya (Secondary School Certificate)
  • United Kingdom and Commonwealth

    • See individual program pages for admission requirements for applicants studying in the British educational system
  • United States of America

    • See individual program pages for admission requirements for applicants studying in the American educational system
  • Uruguay

    • Bachillerato
  • Uzbekistan

    • Attestat o srednem obrazovanii (at Grade 11)
  • Vanuatu

    • University of the South Pacific Foundation Year
    • See also New Zealand
  • Venezuela

    • One year of post-secondary studies at a recognized university
  • Vietnam

    • Certificate of High School Graduation, including senior year graduation examination results.

  • West Africa

    • School Certificate and Higher School Certificate. Passes in these examinations are considered as equivalent to passes in the G.C.S.E. and G.C.E. at the Advanced Level in the United Kingdom
    • Your requirements are the same as students in the United Kingdom and Commonwealth, which are found on individual program pages
  • West Indies Associate States

    • See Commonwealth Caribbean
  • Yemen

    • Al Thanawiya
  • Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro)

    • Diploma o Zavrsenoj Srednjoj Skoli / Matura Examination (Secondary School Leaving Certificate)
  • Zaire

    • Diplome d'Etat d'Etudes Secondaires du Cycle Long with Homologation Certification
  • Zambia

    • Zambia School Certificate
  • Zimbabwe

    • Your requirements are the same as students in the United Kingdom and Commonwealth, which are found on individual program pages