
Psychology Undergraduate Course Union (PUGS)

The Psychology Undergraduate Course Union (PUGS) is recognized by the UVSS.

We seek to connect students in Psychology with each other, with their faculty, and with opportunities in the larger community. We primarily do this by hosting events. We also serve as a liaison between psychology students and the UVSS.

We hold weekly meetings, on Wednesdays 10:30 - 11:20 a.m. in Cornett A121. These weekly meeting allow students to make new friends and be involved in the planning and organization of events. We also share great opportunities for volunteering or research related to Psychology and mental health, as we are established in the larger community and often relay news from various organizations seeking Psychology students.

We plan regular events to connect with our peers and to build a community with a shared interest in Psychology. Past events have included a volunteer fair, a trip to Galey farms, movie nights, karaoke, hikes up Mt. Doug, and recruitment and training sessions in first aid and harm reduction with Capital Physicians Group.

You do not have to be a Psychology major to join us, we accept any student from any department who has an interest in Psychology. Our office is in Cornett A171.

For more information you can email pugs.uvic@gmail.com, visit the and check out our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/uvic.pugs/