
Poster session

Terry Lin explains his poster on the role of motor features in object naming.
Terry Lin explains his poster on the role of motor features in object naming.

PSOVIPS: Psychology Students of Vancouver Island Poster Session

PSOVIPS is a student-oriented and student-run annual event that gives opportunity for undergraduate students from UVic and other nearby colleges and universities to showcase the research they have carried out. All graduating students of UVic's psychology honours program contribute a poster presentation. This educational event is sponsored by UVic's Learning and Teaching Centre and is funded in part by Psi Chi, the honours society for psychology students.

A major aim of PSOVIPS is to promote public awareness of the cutting-edge scientific psychological research being conducted by Vancouver Island undergraduate students. Students' projects explore such areas as human memory, children's cognitive development, interpersonal social interactions, and electrophysiological analyses of brain processes.

Everyone is welcome to attend this event! The poster session provides a exciting forum for students to talk to attendees about the research they have worked hard to plan and carry out.

Refreshments are served. The tone is casual. Admission is free. The student researchers are available to discuss their research and answer questions. Come and experience this great learning opportunity!

PSOVIPS is generally held around April. More detail will be provided closer to the date on the .