
Social psychology stream

Social psychology examines the connections between aspects of people’s psychology–like attitudes, goals, values, group memberships, self-identity, culture and personality–and their social contexts and natural environments.

You’ll learn about theories that explain and predict people’s social thinking, motivation, feelings and behaviours in their social and natural worlds.

Courses in this stream will help you develop skills essential for careers in psychology-related disciplines and many other career and life pursuits. You’ll learn about:

  • Social-psychological approaches to leadership, mentoring, team work and co-operation.
  • Evidence-based methods of self-motivation, coaching, goal setting and self-regulation.
  • Communication and conflict resolution skills.
  • Sensitivity to diversity.

Stream progress

View the social psychology stream chart (.pdf)

Second year

Introduction to Social Psychology

Pre-req: &

Third year


Pre-reqs:  and one of , 260

Interpersonal Relationships

Pre-reqs: and

PSYC 376

Social Psychology of Sexuality

Pre-reqs:  and  

Motivation, Emotion, & Wellbeing

Pre-reqs: and one of ,

Cultural Psychology

Pre-reqs:  and

Fourth year

Social Cognition

Pre-reqs: and two of , , 376, ,

Pre-req or co-req: .

Self-Regulation & Goals

Pre-reqs: 300A, and one of , , , , 376,

Pre-req or co-req: .

Interpersonal Relationships

Pre-req: , & one of , , 376, ,

Pre-req or co-req: .

Psychology & Law

Pre-reqs: and two of , , , 376, ,

Pre-req or co-req: .

The Self

Pre-req: and two of , , , 376, ,

Pre-req or co-req: .