
Mental health and wellbeing stream

Mental health and wellbeing are highly associated with adjustment to and success in personal, family, educational and social contexts.

The mental health and wellbeing stream will give you an in-depth understanding of the determinants of both psychological distress and psychological health. You’ll learn to understand the impact of biological (especially brain function), emotional, social and cultural factors on the expression of mental health and disorders and how they’re understood, evaluated and treated.

You’ll be exposed to models of assessment, diagnosis, intervention, prevention, and health promotion. You’ll have opportunities for hands-on learning through community placements, applied coursework and/or research.

Stream progress

View the mental health and wellbeing stream chart (.pdf)


2nd year

Mental Health & Well Being

Pre-req: 100A

3rd year

PSYC 332

Health Psychology

Pre-req: 201 & 1 of 231, 251, 260

PSYC 338

Behavioural Interventions: Children & Adults

Pre-req: 201 & 260

PSYC 365

Fundamentals of Clinical Psychology

Pre-req: 201 & 260

PSYC 366

Psychological Disorders of Childhood and Adolescence

Pre-req: 201 & 260

4th year


PSYC 450

Developmental Disorders & Learning Disabilities

Pre-req: 300A, 351B, & 338

Pre-req or Co-req: 300B.

PSYC 460

Family Violence Across the Lifespan

Pre-req: 300A & 365 & one of 366, 332, or 338

Pre-req or Co-req: 300B.

PSYC 461

Field Placement in Psychology

Pre-req: 300A & 365 & either 332, 366 or 338

Pre-req or Co-req: 300B.

PSYC 462

Clinical Interventions, Prevention, & Health Promotion 

Pre-req: 300A & 365 & either 332, 366 or 338

Pre-req or Co-req: 300B.

PSYC 463

Special Topics in Clinical Psychology

Pre-req: 300A & 365 & one of 366, 332, or 338

Pre-req or Co-req: 300B.