
Geography Staff Members

Karen Buj谩n

Communications and Office Assistant
General enquiries, social media, registration, Honours program and field school admin
Office: DTB B203
Terri Evans

Senior Lab Instructor
Remote sensing, hyperspectral, infrared, LIDAR, and radar
Office: DTB A241
John Fowler

Administrative Officer
Finances, appointments, communications
Office: DTB B203b
Sally Johnson

Graduate and Undergraduate Program Assistant
Registration, advising, academic forms, Master's and PhD program coordination
Office: DTB B203
Ken Josephson

Community mapping and outreach, graphic design
Office: DTB B209a
Gillian Krezoski

Senior Lab Instructor
Physical geography
Office: DTB B302
Kinga Menu

Senior Lab Instructor
Lab evaluations, lab access, teaching
Office: DTB B304
Jessica Neal

Senior Lab Instructor
GIS, ArcGIS, QGIS, GeoDa, R, Python
Office: DTB A243
Hilary  Potosnak

Assistant to the Chair
Administrative support for the Chair, purchasing, claim accounting, exams, special events
Office: DTB B203