
Society of Geography Students (SOGS)

SOGS exec 2023

The Society of Geography Students (SOGS) is the undergraduate course union for Geography at UVic. It is a sub-organization of the  (UVSS).

SOGS has the following mandate:

"To connect students with each other, the Department of Geography staff and faculty, and the broader community of, so-called, Victoria and beyond." 

SOGS hosts a number of events that can be found through their , and through the channels listed below.

SOGS email,

SOGS Instagram,

SOGS linktree,  

In recent years, SOGS has hosted various events and fundraisers, some of which include social nights, clothing drives, sticker fundraisers, mapathons, and bake sales! The course union has many positions and committees available for people get more involved, those include:

Co-Chair (2)

Treasurer (1)

Social Media Committee (2)

Community Care Committee (Unlimited)

Geography in Schools (1-2)

SOGS Mappers (2-3)

SOGS Events Committee (2)

Merchandise & Creative Design (2)

Undergraduate Representatives (2)

Those who don’t want a formal position can also be a Director at Large and help out wherever needed!

SOGS Room 

The Society of Geography Students has an undergraduate student lounge located in David Turping (DTB B327).  This is a space for undergraduate geography students to utilize as a study spot, place to make new friends, grab lunch, or simply take a break between classes.  The SOGS room has several couches, tables, microwave, fridge space, and free tea and coffee!  All are welcome in the SOGS Room!