
Alumni profiles

Carys Pinches, BA (UVic), MSc (Oxford)

Graduate Associate, Office of Water Services, Birmingham, UK

For Carys Pinches, a BA in Geography at UVic was the catalyst for an international career. Carys graduated with distinction in 2015 after completing her honours project on water demand management in Egypt. She has since earned her MSc at Oxford University and secured a Graduate Associate position with Ofwat (Office of Water Services) in the United Kingdom. As a member of the Outcomes Team, Carys analyzes data from 18 water and sewage companies across England and Wales on a variety of issues, including pollution mitigation, environmental resilience, and customer satisfaction.

For Students

One of Carys’ most formative experiences at UVic was the  in Heiltsuk and Wuikinuxv Territories. This innovative course taught by Dr. Chris Darimont explores the intersection between western science and local values and knowledge. “The experience required us to unlearn certain things,” explains Carys, “we had our world flipped upside down in the most valuable way.” Carys recommends that current students take advantage of field school opportunities to expand their worldviews. The opportunities to gain a new perspective while getting a Geography degree are endless: co-opstudy abroad, even field components of class-based courses. According to Carys, these out-of-the-classroom experiences helped her discover her passion for working with people around water security issues.

For Alumni

It was not long ago that Carys found herself making the leap from academic to career life. To overcome frustration and isolation, she recommends that alumni reach out to former classmates and instructors for support. A BA in Geography from UVic equips graduates with strong presentation, writing, and critical thinking skills. Carys’ confident and clear communication style made her stand out while job searching and applying for grad school. “We’ve had some really good students come out of UVic,” remarked an Oxford instructor. Even on the other side of the Atlantic, Carys hears praise for UVic and knows that she is well equipped to face the ever-changing challenges of her field. 

Stefan Gronsdahl, BSc


Environmental Scientist

Summit Environmental Consultants, Inc., Whitehorse, YT

  • Conduct field work, data analysis, and report preparation for many fields including contaminated site assessment/remediation, water quality, and environmental permits.
  • Additional skills: project management, business development, and communications.
Through UVic Geography I was exposed to various fields, which prepared me for the fast-paced and dynamic nature of environmental consulting.

Whitney Falconer, BSc


Customer Accounts Coordinator

Sustainable Services Ltd. and Westhills Land Corp, Langford, BC

  • Customer service, billing, equipment maintenance, water sampling, and regular system operation.
With my degree in Geography, I have been able to develop and maintain a new GIS database for our company, ultimately allowing me to produce necessary infrastructural and property outline maps. I am also able to work alongside different companies, such as surveying and engineering.

Tim Hewett, BSc (UVic), MSc

Interdisciplinary City Planner, City of Victoria, Victoria, BC

Tim Hewett completed his BSc in Geography in 2006. After working as a geologist for the BC Ministry of Energy and Mines, Tim headed to Europe to pursue his passion for sustainable urban planning. He completed his MSc in Sweden and gained further work experience in the Netherlands. Innovative European approaches to active transportation planning continue to inspire Tim’s work here in Canada. Tim now calls Victoria home and has worked on urban planning in both private and public sector capacities. He served as a consultant for the Elkington Forest project and is currently an Interdisciplinary Planner and Project Manager for the City of Victoria.

For Students

Tim is committed to supporting current UVic Geography students. In 2016, he collaborated with UVic Geography faculty members to offer the first  course. Each year, students in this course participate in the research and planning phases of the City of Victoria’s current active transportation projects. As a course facilitator, Tim introduces students to the real-world challenges of urban planning. He also teaches the importance of responsible project management, from data collection, to public dialogue, to project implementation.

For Alumni

Tim is always on the hunt for new projects that ignite his passion for sustainable and resilient urban communities. “Isolate your passion,” he recommends to recent Geography alumni, “whatever you think needs to change, be an agent of that change.” According to Tim, meeting with professionals currently working in the field can help turn a generalized degree into a specialized career path. A UVic Geography degree took Tim around the world and equipped him with the skills he needed to get Victoria moving.

Stephanie Blazey, BSc


Senior GIS Specialist

City of Victoria, Victoria, BC

  • Administers online mapping and open GIS data services.
  • Supports the GIS data and mapping needs of staff and the public.
I learned a lot of great skills at UVic that I use in my job every day. Geography gave me a foundation, which I have grown over the years, and I always draw from the basics. I was fortunate to meet so many great students and professors during my time at UVic.

Colin Montgomery, BSc


Geomatics Specialist

3vGeomatics, Vancouver, BC

  • Interferometric synthetic aperture radar products, aimed towards rapid reporting and surveillance of oil and gas, mining, and urban infrastructure
  • Data processing and analysis for remote sensing projects
  • Data analysis and product generation using Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
  • Automation and streamlining of recurring tasks
  • Develop, integrate, and test software components for the purpose of product development, modification, and improvement
  • Routine processing of TerraSAR-X, RADARSAT-1/2, COSMO-SkyMed, ERS, ENVISAT, PalSAR products, as well as LiDAR and SRTM datasets

Brian Tucker, BA (UVic), MA (UVic)

Student Recruitment Officer, 番茄社区, Victoria, BC

Brian Tucker earned both his BA and MA in Geography at UVic. Not long before graduating in 2013, Brian began working at UVic where he has held various titles. He continues to work on campus as a Student Recruitment Officer specializing in graduate and transfer student admissions. Thanks to the beauty of UVic’s natural environment, geography and place-making often play a central role in his discussions with prospective students.

For Students

Brian recommends that recent Geography grads always keep an open mind when considering their career options. A Master’s or Bachelor of Arts degree in Geography equips graduates with writing, research, public speaking, and interpersonal skills applicable to almost any field. Brian conducted over 50 interviews as part of his , many with Indigenous community members, in order to ensure a wide diversity of voices were represented.  He has recognized that the same open-minded and relationship-building attitude is applicable out there in the working world. Networking is so much more than meeting people; it involves authentic communication and connection. Brian’s Geography degrees equipped him with the communication skills that he uses on a daily basis to connect with students and guide them into meaningful communities and fulfilling careers.

For Alumni

Brian recommends that recent Geography grads always keep an open mind when considering their career options. A Master’s or Bachelor’s of Arts in Geography equips graduates with writing, research, public speaking, and interpersonal skills applicable to almost any field. Brian conducted over 50 interviews as part of his , many with Indigenous community members, in order to ensure a wide diversity of voices were represented.  He has recognized that the same open-minded and relationship-building attitude is applicable out there in the working world. Networking is so much more than meeting people, it involves authentic communication and connection. Brian’s Geography degrees equipped him with the communication skills that he uses on a daily basis to connect with students and guide them into meaningful communities and fulfilling careers.

Elizabeth Oliphant, BSc


Chart Production Supervisor

Canadian Hydrographic Service, Victoria, BC

  • Surveys and maps the ocean to collect data for navigational charts, tide tables, and sailing directions.
Geography has allowed me to combine my passion for the outdoors with my love of maps. It has taught me to recognize spatial patterns and to use that perspective to interpret my environment.

Stefan Schweigert, BSc


Quality Assurance and Quality Control Specialist

Latitude Geographics Group Ltd., Victoria, BC

  • Responsible for the quality of Latitude’s web mapping services configuration program, Geocortex Essentials.
The Geomatics program gave me a strong background in GIS concepts and programming languages, both of which I use on a daily basis at Latitude. My experience in ArcMap allows me to generate testing data that mimics real-world situations more accurately.

Diana Brizan, BSc (UVic)

Digital Mapping Specialist, HR GISolutions Inc., Victoria, BC

Diana Brizan completed her BSc in Geography with a Geomatics specialization in 2013. Her passion for mapping was fostered early in her academic program. Insightful instructors noticed her aptitude and recommended that she turn a General Studies degree into a Geography degree. Inspiring field experiences, including working with Campbell Scientific in Dr. David Atkinson’s Applied Climatology course, reaffirmed that Diana was destined for a career in Physical Geography. After graduation, Diana worked for the BC government on forest and wildfire mapping. She now enjoys the flexibility and comradery of working with a small team of mapping experts at HR GISolutions Inc. Her work involves communicating with clients, writing reports, python coding, analyzing datasets, and of course, creating maps.

For Students

The possibilities are endless with Geography and Geomatics. “It’s a very diverse and applicable degree,” says Diana, adding that most of her cohort had a high success rate finding relevant work. Students should take advantage of co-op opportunities and enroll in courses with field components to develop their practical skills and connections. In Diana’s experience, teaching assistants made great job references, since they knew her well and could testify to her competence in a variety of technical skills.

For Alumni

According to Diana, recent alumni should strengthen their connections with past classmates. Group work does not end with University. From time to time, Diana still sends projects to former classmates who have specialized in slightly different fields to get their feedback. Both at UVic and in the working world, GIS is a small, interconnected field, and interpersonal connections go a long way. Thanks to her UVic Geography degree, Diana gets to enjoy west coast life while working within this dynamic community of GIS experts.