

We offer graduate programs leading to the degrees of Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy.

We also offers opportunities to study , possibly as an interdisciplinary program.

Research Areas

We emphasize the following areas (in alphabetical order):

Applied math - mathematical physics, differential equations, climate modeling, geophysical fluid dynamics, mathematical biology

Discrete math - graph theory, algorithms and complexity, combinatorial designs

Pure math - operator algebras, operator theory, functional analysis, dynamical systems, probability theory, quadratic forms, topology

Statistics - biostatistics, mathematical statistics, Bayesian statistics 

Learn more about our research.

Co-operative education

We participate in graduate co-operative education, which integrates periods of full-time employment with the academic program.

LATHE graduate teaching certificate

Do you want to share your passion for mathematics and statistics with the next generation? Would you like to kick-start your academic career while you’re still a graduate student? Click  to find out about the LATHE graduate teaching certificate.


All graduate students are governed by the departmental regulations in force at the time of their initial graduate registration. Students are responsible for becoming familiar with other regulations of the university and by the  as outlined in the .