

Pure mathematics

The Department of Mathematics and Statistics has a substantial number of researchers working in a variety of areas of Pure Mathematics, including operator theory, noncommutative geometry, dynamical systems and ergodic theory, number theory and topology. Several people work in more than one of these areas, developing subtle and deep interactions between the subjects. There are a number of graduate students and post-doctoral fellows working in pure mathematics. Graduate students enjoy close contact with faculty members.

Animation illustrating an unknotting obstruction, called circular pentagrams, or the type-2 finite-type invariant.

The group in operator algebras and noncommutative geometry is among the strongest in Canada and Victoria is a recognized centre internationally. Researchers study links between operator algebras and number theory, dynamical systems, topology and index theory, and group theory. This group is the centre for a . During the period of concentration from 2009 to 2012, it has hosted a number of high profile international meetings as well as a summer school for graduate students which attracted students from all over the world. The group holds a regular operator theory seminar.

Dynamical systems and ergodic theory are another focal point of the group. These disciplines have substantial links with probability, information theory, number theory, geometry, scientific computation and mathematical physics. Researchers in the area are actively involved in exploring these fruitful interfaces. This discipline benefits from strong regional connections with researchers in dynamical systems and probability in the Pacific Northwest and hosts a regular dynamics seminar, often featuring researchers from outside Victoria.


NameContactResearch interests
Bazett,  Trefor
Office: DTB-A450
Mathematics education and algebraic topology.
Budney,  Ryan
Office: DTB-A516
Geometry and topology.
Eagle,  Christopher
Office: DTB-A441
Mathematical logic and its applications
Emerson,  Heath
Office: DTB-A447
Operator algebras, index theory, hyperbolic groups.
Laca,  Marcelo
Office: DTB-A548
Operator algebras, semi-group crossed products, C*-dynamical Hecke C*-algebras.
Putnam,  Ian
Office: DTB-A444
Operator algebras, dynamical systems.
Quas,  Anthony
Office: DTB-A538
Ergodic theory and dynamical systems.
Ray,  Gourab
Office: DTB-A440
Probability theory, Random planar geometry
Scully,  Stephen
Office: DTB-A436
Quadratic forms and forms of higher degree, projective homogeneous varieties, algebraic cycles, motives, Milnor K-theory.
Sodhi,  Asmita
Office: DTB-A451
Math education and outreach. Algebraic number theory.
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Professors emeritus

NameContactResearch interests
Office: DTB-A517
Ergodic theory and dynamical systems.
Office: NA
Office: DTB-A553
Approximation theory, Euler and Bernoulli polynomials
Office: NA
Office: NA
Office: NA
Office: NA
Office: DTB-A546
Operator algebras, operator theory.
Office: DTB-A553
Functional analysis, operator theory, linear algebra.
Srivastava, Hari M.
Office: DTB-A448
Real and complex analysis, fractional calculus and its applications, integral equations and transforms, higher transcendental functions and their applications, q-Series and q-Polynomials, analytic number theory
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NameContactResearch interests
Office: NA
Dejean's conjecture, Abelian patterns.
Office: NA
Geometry and topology
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Postdoctoral fellows

Office: DTB-A437
Office: DTB-A546
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PhD students

Agrawal,  Shreepad
Office: DTB-A553
Bagchi,  Swarnadeep
Office: DTB-A518
Gaur,  Akash
Office: NA
Budney, Nicas
Goerke,  Gavin
Office: DTB-A527
Ranu,  Arantha
Office: DTB-A455
Schulz,  Tyler
Office: DTB-A455
Steed,  Brendan
Office: DTB-A518
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Master's students

Bednarski,  Samuel
Office: NA
Butler,  Nathaniel
Office: NA
Ferahlar,  Baran
Office: NA
Laca, Quas
Quigley,  Khai
Office: DTB-A557
Sheffar,  Dayten
Office: NA
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