

Please read the graduate handbook.

Course Work

In consultation with your supervisor, choose courses in your discipline that you think are interesting and appropriate for your research focus.  Set yourself a realistic timeline to complete your coursework and begin your dissertation, thesis, or project. Master’s students should complete the majority of their courses during their first two terms and Project-based students should aim to complete all of their courses within three terms.  PhD students should focus on their coursework and candidacy exams during their first three terms.  If you are a PhD student, you will also want to ensure your choices help prepare you for your candidacy exams.

In addition to your planned course-work, you must register in the following courses in order to meet specific graduation requirements.
•    Non-thesis (project) Master’s program in Statistics: register for STAT 598 every term.  As part of your planned coursework, you should take MATH 585 in your second year.
•    Thesis Master’s program in Statistics: register for STAT 599 every term.  As part of your planned coursework, you should take MATH 585 in your second year.
•    Master’s program in Mathematics: register for MATH 599 every term.  As part of your planned coursework, you should take MATH 585 in your first year.
•    PhD program: register in MATH 693 or STAT 693 every term until you have completed your candidacy.  Register in MATH 699 or STAT 699 every term for your Dissertation.

You are required to obtain a minimum grade of B (5.0) for each course.  Graduate Students should be aware of the policies on unacceptable grades and examinations.

Annual Committee Meeting

Meet with your once per year and complete a “Record of Graduate Student Annual Committee Meeting Report”.  Your supervisor will download the form from the Math/Stats SharePoint.  Bring a copy of your CAPP Report to this meeting and ensure you are on schedule to meet the .  Directly after the meeting, hand in the completed form to your Department Graduate Secretary, who files a copy for the Graduate Advisor.
Remember: Be sure to visit the calendar that coincides with your entry term. For example, if you began your studies in Sept. 2010 you should go the 2010/2011 calendar.

Additional Guidelines (Statistics Students)

Statistics graduate students are expected to follow these guidelines.

Candidacy or Comprehensive Exams (PhD only)

PhD students should schedule coursework to ensure you complete your three comprehensive exams within your first two years of the program. These exams are challenging and are not offered every term, so plan accordingly. Your Supervisor must inform the Department Graduate Secretary of the results of each exam, who prepares an official memo to the Faculty of Grad Studies (FGS) once you have passed three exams.
Remember: Should there be exceptional and extenuating reasons that you need an extension, please speak with your Supervisor and the Graduate Advisor.

Language Requirement (PhD only)

Supervisory Committees may require PhD students to demonstrate a reading knowledge of one foreign language (French, German or Russian).

Dissertation, Thesis, or Project

Discuss aspects of your thesis (design, research, ethics, etc.) and timelines with your supervisor. Thesis or Project proposal must be approved by your supervisory committee.

If you require human ethics or other regulatory approval, forms are available on the Research Services website. It takes at least 4‐6 weeks for approval.


If you hope to graduate within a given term, discuss a timeline with your supervisor and committee and choose an oral exam date and time with your committee.  Within the first month of the term, email the Graduate Secretary your chosen oral exam date/time; she will book your room, update the list for the Graduate Advisor, and provide you with a checklist of requirements.

If you are not sure that you will be ready on time you should still agree on an oral exam date and time, as you can always reschedule it for next semester if you miss your deadline.

Find a time that meets all of the following conditions:

  • Your whole committee can be physically present
  • Is earlier than the last two weeks of the term, and
  • Ensures that you will have an examinable paper by:
    • Dissertation – 7 weeks before your oral exam
    • Thesis – 5 weeks before your oral exam
    • Project – 3 weeks before your oral exam