
Research Opportunities

Take advantage of these opportunities to gain experience working in a research laboratory with world renowned Biochemistry and Microbiology researchers.

Contact the BCMB undergraduate advisor, Dr. Douglas Briant, if you have questions about directed studies or research experience courses.


Bioc or Micro 470: Directed Studies in Microbiology or Biochemistry

  • Become part of a research team, with your own project.
  • A chance to learn the latest lab techniques while doing original research.
  • You will write a research report and give lab presentations.
  • Get science elective credit towards your undergraduate degree.


  • 1.5 unit credit graded course (6-10 hours/week, 90-140 hours/term).
  • Must be supervised by and conducted within a BCMB faculty member’s laboratory.
  • Minimum GPA of 5.0 and 4th year standing in Biochemistry/Microbiology or approval of the Chair.
  • Students must complete BCMB pre-planning and equipment competency checklist, WHIMIS, and Biosafety training. Note these courses are normally offered at the beginning of each term and students must register.
  • Registration is through Pro Forma request and requires approval by the Chair
  • May be taken more than once for credit in different topics with permission of the department to a maximum of 3 units.
  • Cannot be taken at the same time as the Honours Program.

Application Process

  • Student identifies and contacts a potential faculty member willing to supervise.
  • Student obtains a proforma request form from the BCMB office (or online).
  • Student and supervisor complete and sign the proforma, including methods of evaluation, evaluation dates, and second evaluator. Student submits proforma request to BCMB office for Chair’s approval.
  • BCMB office forwards the signed proforma request to the Dean’s Office for approval and then to the registrar’s office to register the student in the course.


  • 40% based on lab work, lab presentation(s) etc...
  • 60% written research report evaluated by 2 BCMB faculty members then averaged.
  • All course work including lab work, assignments, and presentations must be completed by the last day of classes of the term in which the course is registered
  • Assessment pieces for the directed studies cannot be all due on the last day of classes and should be distributed to provide feedback on student progress. At least one assessment piece must be completed and graded before the last day to drop for the term in which the directed studies is conducted.
  • Grades are due 7 calendar days after the last day of classes for the term in which they are registered.
  • Students must adhere to add and drop deadlines as specified in the UVic Calendar.
  • Requests for deferrals or academic concessions that go beyond the period when grades for the course are due, must go through the normal University processes. Students need to complete a RAC request and may need to provide documentation. Grounds for an academic concession are described in the University calendar. Approval of an academic concession is by the Associate Dean Academic Advising.
  • Students who fail to meet the learning objectives (failure to complete any of the evaluation pieces for the course) will receive a grade of N.

BCMB 298, 398 or 498: Research Experience

The Department offers three non-credit Research Experience courses for students who wish to gain some experience in biochemical or microbiological research.  These courses allow a student to participate in a Biochemistry or Microbiology research lab and contribute to the current research happening in the department.

These courses are not for credit and do not count towards your degree. Therefore they should be taken over and above a regular course load so as to not affect degree completion and future professional applications.


  • No credit earned.
  • Listed as 6 hours per week but should be no more than 78 hours per term.
  • Students must complete BCMB pre-planning and equipment competency checklist, WHIMIS, and Biosafety training. Note: these courses are normally offered at the beginning of each term and students must register.
  • Students may register for Research Experience courses in the summer, fall or spring terms and take the course more than once.

Application Process

  • Student contacts a potential supervisor
  • Student and supervisor complete and sign internal application form
  • Student submits completed forms to Petch 207 or by email to the Chair's Assistant for approval of the Chair
  • Once approved, the department will enable registration
  • Student then registers in appropriate course based on year status:
 BCMB 298: 2nd year: 12 - 26.9 units
 BCMB 398: 3rd year: 27-41.9 units
 BCMB 498: 4th year and above: greater than 46 units


Grading for these courses is COM, N, or F.

Evaluation is based on success in achieving the learning objectives, work objectives, and meeting the work schedule that was agreed to in the application.

Evaluation is due seven (7) calendar days after the end of classes for courses that do not have a final examination as noted in the calendar.



BCMB Internal Job Postings: 

Occasionally positions become available in the research or teaching labs that may be appropriate for students.

Honours Program: 

An opportunity for fourth year students to become part of a BCMB research team while completing their own research.

Work Study: 

Paid positions for eligible students with the teaching and research labs in the department.