
Honours program


BCMB 499: Honours research thesis

  • An opportunity to study with in our department!
  • Become part of a research team, with your own project.
  • It's a 3-unit program made up of 2 courses: BCMB 499A/B.
  • A chance to learn the latest lab techniques while doing original research.
  • You will also write up and defend a thesis on your chosen research project.

Contact the Honours Advisor, Dr. Julian Lum, or the Chair's Assistant if you are interested in pursuing an Honours degree.


Please note, you need to be entering the 4th year of your degree program, taking a full course load (minimum of 6 units per term including BCMB 499A or B) and have a GPA of 6 or more in 300 level departmental courses in order to be registered as an Honours student. Registration in BCMB 499A/B requires permission of the department. 

You may not take Directed Studies (BIOC or MICR 470) at the same time as BCMB 499A/B.

Forms, guidelines and information

A good example of an Honours thesis: Scott 2023.