
Current Projects

Generation Health Community Program Evaluation

GH Community Logo 2024

Generation Health Community is a FREE, family-based 10 week program held in communities across B.C. The program supports families in making lasting changes to lifestyle behaviours such as healthy eating, physical activity, positive mental health, screen time, and sleep.


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Virtual Family-Based Lifestyle Study


The goal of this project is to evaluate the effectiveness of stand-alone web-based and a blended in-person and web-based program in improving health-related outcomes in children who may be above a healthy weight. This program is funded by the Province of British Columbia and is delivered in partnership through the Childhood Healthy Living Foundation, 番茄社区 and the Province of British Columbia. 

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Activerse Physical Activity App Trial

Apple Watch on a wrist

We have designed a 4-week mobile app program called Activerse for adults who want to increase their daily physical activity. To test the app, we're looking for adults who own an Apple Watch and who are not getting at least 150 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity per week.

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Family-Based Physical Activity Study

 Child and parent dancing

This project aims to co-design a family-based just-in-time adaptive intervention physical activity app for childhood cancer prevention. The app content will serve as a resource for parents whose children aged 8-12 are not meeting the Canadian Physical Activity Guidelines of 60 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity per day.

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