
Wearable Devices and Physical Activity Motivation


We are a conducting a study looking at how motivation for physical activity and physical activity behavior is different between people who use wearable activity trackers (i.e. Fitbits or Apple Watches) and people who used them in the past but no longer do. 

The study will involve an online survey at the beginning of the study. This online survey will ask about your health history, wearable activity tracker use, motivation for physical activity, and physical activity behavior. In addition to the two online surveys, you will be asked to download an application on your smartphone which will prompt you to remember to fill out a short survey before and after every exercise session, as well as one short survey every evening.

This study will greatly benefit our understanding of how people who use wearable activity trackers are motivated for physical activity.  If you are over the age of 18, speak and read English, use an Android or iOS smartphone, currently use or used to use a wearable activity tracker, and are interested in our study, please fill out our and a research assistant will reach out to you with more information if you're eligible!